Grass as component, not pattern
@mitcorb said:
Maybe "MakeFur"? Do a patch, make it a component, populate the scene with instances turned this way and that.
Good suggestion. Not sure what it offers over Spray but I'll try it. Thanks.
Let us know how you get on with Fur nd don't let those chickens near the grass, they will ruin it
yeah specially the purple headed one.
Hey Brookefox i posted this a while back take a look it even features a chicken !:
i'd avoid fur with such large spaces it's heavy on geometry and sketchup will balk under the load.
That looks like my lawn. Well, except the bare spots aren't white.
Thank you, chedda. I feared as much. And it has more muscle and learning required than I require right now. I do hope to test it on a patch, though, as I'd like to learn it, as, you see, I'm pretty bald.
This is about as good as I could do and it took me too long to do it, trying various. Three triangular leaves each component, no verticals.
Top: edges style normal.
Bottom: edge style as material.
Here I have some grass patches if you like - they are png files on single faces: I used a different grass component here, this is how it could look with instanced grass:
Then if you need to cover a very big area, indeed consider that whatever components you use, you will have problems so another solution (trick) would be to use two surfaces above each other: the bottom surface is a "normal" grass texture and another surface placed somewhat (~5cm / ~2") higher is a material with "holes" on it (semi transparent) like here: -
Thank you, Gai...
But I don't really trust you soldiers' fashion sense. And where are they headed? Is that a stockade or a granary or a commissary or what?
a watchtower.