Have you had a model stolen?
It's a shame that there are slime out there who would do such a thing. (actually that gives slime a bad name) It's because of that sort of action by a few that I don't share any of my SketchUp models. The only models I've drawn that are available in the 3D Warehouse are ones I did under contract to a client and they chose to make them available. I frequently get requests and once in awhile even demands for my models. My answer is always the same. Pay me for the time I have invested and I'll send a copy of it. Besides I give away enough of my time teaching others to use sketchUp. I'm not going to do their work for them, too.
Can I have your models Dave?
Of course you can't, you jerk. That would be stealing.....from me. Because I've already got Dave's models for sale on China's black market. Just don't tell Dave.
I'm gonna tell
@chris fullmer said:
Of course you can't, you jerk. That would be stealing.....from me. Because I've already got Dave's models for sale on China's black market. Just don't tell Dave.
Yeh dirty little.... you're taking away from my sales on eBay!
this is a gray area, i myself dont sell my models or claim someone elses models are mine, but i often download models from the warehouse and modify the models and makng them different in many ways, i add and take things out of them, its simply using work others have uploaded to the warehouse to speed up the process for me, out of interest would i be wrong in claiming this model as mine even tho it doesnt resemble the original model????
Hey you guys! At least give me a cut. Sheesh!
Damien, you ask a good question. I don't use models from the warehouse mostly because they usually require more work from me to make them work for my use than it takes for me to draw them from scratch. So I don't know what the answer is. Models put on the warehouse are free for the taking. That's part of the deal with the warehouse but it would be pretty low to take a model done by someone else and claim it as your own work and then to sell it when it is freely available.
@iichiversii said:
this is a gray area, i myself dont sell my models or claim someone elses models are mine, but i often download models from the warehouse and modify the models and makng them different in many ways, i add and take things out of them, its simply using work others have uploaded to the warehouse to speed up the process for me, out of interest would i be wrong in claiming this model as mine even tho it doesnt resemble the original model????
I started a model not too long ago, my first roadster (thread here http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=333&t=39427), using a very basic model for a contest on the warehouse. I got a little carried away, and when I was done there was virtually nothing left of the original model. I asked basically the same question when I posted the model in a thread on the forums, and was advised that I should give credit to the original model. I suppose it's best to err on the side of caution in situations like this.
Yes i see, heres another example, if i were to construct a model from the beginning while using anothers as reference, then would credit need to be used, heres an example, i browsed turbosquid for a Afgan town, and found pictures of a town from all angles, so i used these pictures and made a reconstruction of the town in SU, the Afgan town was on sale for $500 on turbo squid, now should i claim the modelling is mine or should i give credit to the modeller on turbosquid?? please bare in mind im not using these models to profit and i dont have them on display over the net, i just usedd this model as a test to see if i could make a reconstruction in SU
Just another note i think should be added, im totally against other people using others models and claiming them as their own, dont get me wrong, im not all for this carry on, i do believe credit should be given to those who create these models
Heres something i just tried, i looked for a car in SU Warehouse and found this Aston Martin DBR9, grenn in colour, with some yellow, search it on the warehouse, then look at this on turbosquid for $49 -
exactly the same, is this a stolen model?? infact everything on SU warehouse can also be found on turbosquid for a price, very gray area indeed
Moral of the story:
Turbosquid is overpriced crap so rather go to warehouse and get the crap for free.
If you create a model of something that didn't already exist you have intellectual property of it.
But if you model something that already exist you don't have any right on it. And you can't show or sell the model without express permission of the inventor. -
sounds like "someone's selling Google Chrome on the net". or, someone's selling any other freeware, open source, etc. on the net. if it's really there in 3d warehouse too. it may sound funny, if people know that the ware offered as freeware or opensource. yet someone trying to sell it.
that's for the "money making from other's effort" part.for "credits", i guess what Dave wrote above is adequate to give the idea of how bad and low the person might be. not to mention giving slime a bad name
@iichiversii said:
Heres something i just tried, i looked for a car in SU Warehouse and found this Aston Martin DBR9, grenn in colour, with some yellow, search it on the warehouse, then look at this on turbosquid for $49 -
exactly the same, is this a stolen model?? infact everything on SU warehouse can also be found on turbosquid for a price, very gray area indeed
While I'm not defending Turbosquid, and I'm certainly no expert on this or anything else, how can you be sure it's the same model? If two people choose to create an accurate model of the same car, they are bound to look very similar, and the colors could simply be a popular color scheme for that car. Unless there is something visually very distinctive in the model, something that there is virtually no possibility of two people coming up with the same design, the only way to be certain is to compare them both, in SU.
@gilles said:
If you create a model of something that didn't already exist you have intellectual property of it.
But if you model something that already exist you don't have any right on it. And you can't show or sell the model without express permission of the inventor.Ok, so should the architect get credited for his building you created in 3D form on a PC? after all it was the architect who designed it, your simply copying it from reference pics, measurements and so on, i used pictures of a model, but not the model to replicate a model in SU, this is a gray area no matter what, i dont agree with people stealing models and selling them
I'm kinda bummed out because I just checked Turbosquid and none of my models in the Warehouse have been stolen.
Guess I just don't make the cut.... -
@unigami said:
I'm kinda bummed out because I just checked Turbosquid and none of my models in the Warehouse have been stolen.
Guess I just don't make the cut....Well, from what I've heard whenever someone stole one of your fantastic models and put it up for sale there, the demand was so great that it crashed their server. So they've had to ban your models, sorry
@unknownuser said:
Ok, so should the architect get credited for his building you created in 3D form on a PC?
Yes. It is his masterpiece, he could hire you for modeling or built it, but it will always be his idea.