SketchUp/OSX Lion Known Google SketchUp Lion Issues
I have updated yesterday.
It seems to be nice, and I like the improvements.
No more white line bug with HD3000. ( )
I have tested the new MacBook Air, SketchUp work perfectly.
Well this news looks good ...... so far
Hmm, perhaps I posted too soon about Lion and SU8.
I'm getting some regular instability now. Every so often SU will hang completely requiring a restart. Repairing Disk Permissions tends to help - for a while...
Google are taking rather a long time to fix this.
Hi, I'm new to the forum, but I'm a long time Sketchup user. I love the program dearly, even since Google got their hands on it, and I use it and Layout exclusively when designing and documenting houses. I just upgraded from a 2007 MacBookPro (MBP) running Snow Leopard to a new MacBookAir (MBA) (1.8Ghz i7 chip) running Lion. The MBA is sleek and smooth and beautiful and I found SU and LO faster and more responsive than on my MBP, but not phenomenally so. Out of the box, the MBA came with Lion 10.7.0 and I had no issues, it ran SU and LO well.
However, when I upgraded Lion to 10.7.1, I got the white line bug described in this thread. I don't know if this is a result of the internal Intel graphics chip on the MBA, or if all users running SU on Lion 10.7.1 are noticing it?
The MBA is faster than my four year old MBP, and the thing is so sleek and light and beautiful that I hate to do this, but I am returning it today. The speed improvement is just not substantial enough for me to deal with the white line bug. Instead, I'm going whole hog for the fastest iMac I can get. My theory is that as Google won't or can't substantially improve SU's speed on the software side, I'll just have to use as much muscle as I can purchase so I can continue to use my beloved SU and LO for my work. (if only it weren't forever doomed to 32bit single processor....)
Is anyone running SU on Liuon 10.7.1 and not getting the white line bug? I hope it's limited to the MBA. -
Hi Guys,
I've order the Apple Lion Stick today and will probably test Lion out on the wife's MacBook to get a feel for it.
While poking around I came across this useful site, Roaring Apps - App Compatibility Table.
Page not found — RoaringApps
Crowd-sourced application compatibility for macOS, iOS and Windows.
I attach the screen shot of the Google SketchUp verdict
I will go through the list to see how some other apps I use regularly are fairing out. I notice the Sketcher is not there yet!
As I am not in the office these weeks , I don't know.
Keep you informed after sept 4.
Bertb -
I updated my MacBook Pro to Lion a few days ago.
Not bad at all.
Some precisions about known issues:@unknownuser said:
Scene is no longer synced in model with 1 match photo scene
In fact any scene; click on the tab to go back to it, orbit / pan to change camera point of view and then if you try to return to it by clicking again on the tab, nothing, won't do. Click any other scene tab and then the previous one, will do.
@unknownuser said:
Unable to login to the 3dwh.
Don't know if it's the 7.1 update but, no problem here with 3D-WH from the component window.
@unknownuser said:
Some of the photo texture pins are no longer visible.
Here no pins at all appeared, until I tried dragging a selection box on the picture, then the 4 pins did show and the captures went just fine.
The pins on Photo Textures is something I haven't seen (not like the earlier problem we fixed). What version of Flash are you running on Lion? According to Adobe's site, it's at the moment. You can find your version by opening Chrome and typing in about:plugins.
I'm having all sorts of crashing and hanging issues with Lion. Particularly when working on files on network drives.
It's really very, very unsatisfactory for me. Anyone else having the same problems?
Come on Google, please update SketchUp for Lion!
Just for the devs to know:
in webdialogs when you would use the input type 'file' the path send to Sketchup is replaced by 'C:/fakepath'
Haven't found a solution yet. -
In reference to number 7 listed above, you can turn off the restoration of application windows 'feature' in the Preferences/General tab.
Yes, I 'upgraded' before reading this post.
@pout said:
Just for the devs to know:
in webdialogs when you would use the input type 'file' the path send to Sketchup is replaced by 'C:/fakepath'
Haven't found a solution yet.This has to do with the html 5: me, a problem, since i use this to import xml files in Sketchup.
Just to let you know : updated both iMac + MBP to Lion,
SU8 causes no problems at all (no plug-ins installed)
Bertb -
1) ... did Lion come with a version of MRI Ruby, if so, what version and patchlevel?
(Console constants:RUBY_VERSION
)2) ... did Apple ever get to the intitial relase (1.0) of MacRuby and did Lion distro with it?
@mightyquinn said:
However, when I upgraded Lion to 10.7.1, I got the white line bug described in this thread. I don't know if this is a result of the internal Intel graphics chip on the MBA, or if all users running SU on Lion 10.7.1 are noticing it?
I too am curious if others are seeing this bug with 10.7.1. Anyone? It does sound like it is related to the Intel graphics card, but it certainly sounds like a frustrating issue that needs to, at a minimum, be reported to Apple. If you do see the issue, can you go to Preferences > OpenGL and, just as an experiment, turn off "Use Hardware Acceleration" to see if the issue will go away on relaunch? That step will confirm the issue is related to the graphics card. Christophe - have you upgraded to 10.7.1 and are shadows still behaving for you?
Thanks in advance,
Google -
@bigstick said:
I'm having all sorts of crashing and hanging issues with Lion. Particularly when working on files on network drives.
It's really very, very unsatisfactory for me. Anyone else having the same problems?
This sounds really bad and I'm sorry you are running into it. Can you give me a few steps to reproduce it? I'm not immediately able to reproduce a hang or crash. Also, is anyone else seeing this issue?
Thanks in advance,
Google -
While working on Lion, could you ask the Google team to have a look at the problem of Safari 5.0.6 not showing images in Web Dialogs.
At this stage, we need to have some technical details on how SU configures web dialogs when created with
. This will help us to validate the workarounds we are exploring.Thanks very much
@unknownuser said:
While working on Lion, could you ask the Google team to have a look at the problem of Safari 5.0.6 not showing images in Web Dialogs.
At this stage, we need to have some technical details on how SU configures web dialogs when created with
. This will help us to validate the workarounds we are exploring.Thanks very much
Will do, Fredo!
@tricias said:
Will do, Fredo!
Thanks very much. It becomes pretty urgent now, because we have users with Safari 5.1 who get the problem.
At this stage, we need to understand what SU does under the hood in order to find a workaround.
Hi Tricia,
Actually, I can't reproduce the error at will, it seems to happen without any specific user intervention. Because of the issues I had working from network drives, I have moved all my current work to my local drive but there is no improvement. I reckon I can get maybe 2 hours at most out of SU before it locks up and needs a 'Force quit'.
Makes no difference whether I use a big model or a small one. Sometimes it will lock up when the model first loads. The annoying thing is that there is no crash (and hence no error report) just hanging. I have used Activity monitor and the hanging application is doing nothing. No CPU activity at all.
I think it might be related to Autosaving. Lion Autosaves, but so does SU. I have turned off Sketchup's autosave feature for now. I'll let you know how I get on.