Exploding an assembly of parts
Is there a plugin available to explode a group of groups and or components to create a type of assembly drawing showing all the individual parts and how they ultimately go together??
I have some custom cabinets that I modeled and there are some unique features that can only be seen when the components are viewed un-assembled. I have seen this type of action in another program but I can't remember where.Any ideas,
Tom in PA
There's Pilou's 'Eclate-Deplace' here... search the Plugins Index...
There's also one on Smustard.com == 'Bomb'? -
Doesn't bomb.rb 'explode' as in native explode. Not exploded for viewing?
You are right!
I wasn't sure hence the '?'
I was actually thinking of their 'ExplodeImplode' @$20! -
Pilou's plugin was just what I was looking for. I looked the Plugin Index and went right by it. I tried searching first but have used the wrong terminology.
Tom in PA
The 'Bomb'? Was taken to mean you weren't familiar with the name rather than it's use. We were both misguided and misjudged. Truce?
Glad it works for you Tom
Pilou == Frenchie so he uses obscure names like 'Eclate-Deplace' which means something lie 'explode-move'