I'm new to both notepad++ and Ruby.
Notepad++ in Settings>Backup/AutoCompletion allows you to choose
"Function parameters hint on input". I checked this box but don't see
any results when I'm writing a program. Anyone have experience with
this? Does it require another file like the autocompletion does? -
@huckrorick said:
I'm new to both notepad++ and Ruby.
Notepad++ in Settings>Backup/AutoCompletion allows you to choose "Function parameters hint on input". I checked this box but don't see any results when I'm writing a program.
(I checked into this...) The API file is not set up to do function parameters.@huckrorick said:
Does it require another file like the autocompletion does?
No. Same file, just extra nested XML tags. Alot of work.
And it may not work well with ruby. The 'feature' was designed for a 'functional' language like C, where mostly a function always has the same return type, and the same number of arguments. Ruby can be variable in both respects. -
Hi Dan,
If I remember correctly you were going to start using Notepad++ (but hadn't used it yet). Did you start? Do you have the file for autocompletion? (I think there are more than one around.) The one I have is useful but seems to miss a few things, oddly enough "def" is one of them.
@huckrorick said:
If I remember correctly you were going to start using Notepad++ (but hadn't used it yet). Did you start?
Yes.. I've been using it for the past 2 days.
Much easier to change settings (colors, etc.) using the dialogs, then those 'properties' files that SciTE uses!@huckrorick said:
Do you have the file for autocompletion? (I think there are more than one around.)
Yes.. I've found that the file made by radhikari has more entries in it.Altho... I think I would have done it differently. For instance many method names have '(UI::Toolbar)' [ie, the qualification after them], which gets pasted in, and you then have to backspace over it, as it doesn't belong there.
I'll have to find time, to play around with the API file sometime.
ALSO... the file(s) were just modified FULL ruby files. Many of the listed modules and classes (and their methods,) are for Full Ruby, and are not available to Sketchup Ruby (unless a user has a full ruby install AND has paths to the full Ruby folders set.)
Another difference betwen the two editors.
I belive SciTE lets you execute scripts from the editor without saving them.
Notepad++ won't execute the script unless it's saved first. (I get an file 'such-n-such.rb' not found error.)
I didn't know you could execute a file directly from Notepad++. The way I've been doing it is:
- save the file
- go to Ruby Console in Skectchup and "load" the file (not too hard because the load command is saved and you can execute it again each time you modify the file"
did you discover a more direct way to do it?
@huckrorick said:
I didn't know you could execute a file directly from Notepad++. The way ...[snip]... did you discover a more direct way to do it?
NewOne explains how to do it, on page 1 of this thread, here's the direct link: need to install the NPPEXEC extension first. It helps if you have the PluginManager extension installed.
Plugins > PluginsManager > show...
Available (tab) > Hilite NPPEXEC and click 'Install' (button) -
@newone said:
For this you will need last version of Notepad++ or if you use a older version, download NppExec plugin from (last version have this integrated).
Then you will need TBD's SketchUp Bridge from here there!
Please let me unbury this thread to say first that I really appreciate it and like to thank every people that participate (especially the author of the post above). It is very important to have the right tools when you code, and find such info quickly to avoid to loose to much time
So : thx !!And: TDB, is there a way to get your plugin transmitting compilation info (such as error line number) to NPP? Does anybody know?
What should I use for mac?
another Mac answer...
TextWrangler (the free version of BBEdit without some of it's web tools) is very capable editor
and inside Sketchup I use Ruby Code Editor, which is getting better by the day.john
I have used Notepad++ with TBD 's bridge to learn with ruby plugin, it worked well with SU7
, but after I d/l SU8 and try to setup bridge, I found problem that bridge can't run, I doubt that I missed something or SU8 can't bridge with Notepad++,Please suggest how I can do this..
thanks in advance. -
Update to Notepad++ download here
@unknownuser said:
New features:
- Add Character Insertion Panel.
- Add Clipboard History feature.
- Add find characters in range feature.
Included plugins (Unicode):
- Spell Checker v1.3.3
- NppExport v0.2.8
- Compare Plugin
- Plugin Manager
- Converter 3.0
Included plugins (ANSI):
- TextFX v0.25
- NppExec v0.4.1
- Spell Checker v1.3.3
- NppExport v0.2.8
- Light Explorer v1.6
- Compare Plugin 1.5.5
- Plugin Manager
Another bug fix....
@unknownuser said:
Fixed bugs
- Fix the Clipboard History crash issue while no data in Clipboard.
- Fix the local directory installation option ignored issue in Installer.
- Reduce the recent file history width to 32 characters.
Included plugins (Unicode):
- Spell Checker v1.3.3
- NppExport v0.2.8
- Compare Plugin
- Plugin Manager
- Converter 3.0
Included plugins (ANSI):
- TextFX v0.25
- NppExec v0.4.1
- Spell Checker v1.3.3
- NppExport v0.2.8
- Light Explorer v1.6
- Compare Plugin 1.5.5
- Plugin Manager
Strangely when I use 'update' from the Notepad++ '?' menu item [v5.9.1] it says there is no update available... BUT of course there is, via your link... -
Filehippo update checker Mr.TIG
Looks after all your freeware updates
@tig said:
Strangely when I use 'update' from the Notepad++ '?' menu item [v5.9.1] it says there is no update available... BUT of course there is, via your link...Because the auto-update notification is delayed so that it only provides mature updates. (As oppose to these more frequent manual ones.)
@unknownuser said:
Filehippo update checker Mr.TIG
Looks after all your freeware updates