[Plugin][$] RoundCorner - v3.4a - 31 Mar 24
See TIG's 2D Tools.
Or fillet one corner with arc, mirror copy the others. -
Try this Adrian, it's called "2D fillet".
A Fillet Tool should be a first-class plugin for Sketchup. What I mean is it should have a spot in the Tools menu, have a clear purpose, meet user's expectations for a native Tool, and be a stand-alone plug-in separate from dependencies.
I know several plug-in suites have a fillet feature, but I think would be better to borrow the best functionality from them all and create a dedicated feature out of them.
Sorry to go off-topic.
@aea said:
2D round corner is ? plugin , something ?
You can also try BezierSpline 1.3and convert your rectangle and other polylines to have round corners.
See post at http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=323&t=13563&hilit=plugin#p100509
select the rectangle (contour with surface is fine)
call the contextual menu Convert to... > Polyline Arc Corner
You are prompted for the Radius of the corners
Your contour will be rounded at the corners and become a curve
you can change the number of segments of the corner by typing a Precision number followed by 's' (this is the number of segment for a full circle, by default 24)
You can later chang'Ee the Radius and Precision with the BezierSpline Edit tool (also in contextual menu when selecting the contour 'Edit Polyline Arc Corners')
THANKS from answer , 2d tool , fillettool , fillet.rb no works , bezier spline is ok ...
Hi Adrian! I see u have some problems with the plugins!
Send me a private message so we can discuss better.
Till soon!
Salut Adrian! Vad ca ai ceva probleme cu plugin urile!
Trimite mi un mesaj privat sa putem discuta mai bine.Pe curand!
why is there a PS plugin in the folder??????
@hieru said:
I'm having a little difficulty with the plugin.
The plugin works initially, but when I save my file I lose a small section from each corner.
Any idea what might be causing this?
Sketchup can't create faces that are too small. Scale up the geometry first, then scale down.
@thomthom said:
Sketchup can't create faces that are too small. Scale up the geometry first, then scale down.
that sentence should be added to the end of every forum topic title, specially the newbie one.
it should actually be a SU popup to warn the user when this happens. -
Thanks for the response.
Unfortunately I already tried that and the same thing happens.
The plugin creates the rounded corners (20mm radius in this case), but as soon as I save the file a section from each corner literally vanishes. If I 'undo', the missing section reappears - disappearing again if I try and save the file.
What is odd, is that it only appears to happen with certain files and certain objects within a model (just basic shapes - nothing complex).
did you try scaling it up before saving it?
Yes I did.
I've just tried remodelling certain elements of the model I'm working on and I'm finding that all sorts of odd geometry is appearing on its own and random bits of geometry keep disappearing in areas where I haven't applied the plugin.
I'll have to try reinstalling SU.
@hieru said:
Yes I did.
I've just tried remodelling certain elements of the model I'm working on and I'm finding that all sorts of odd geometry is appearing on its own and random bits of geometry keep disappearing in areas where I haven't applied the plugin.
I'll have to try reinstalling SU.
Before reinstalling SU, could you post your model, so that I have a look and try to find out where the issue comes from.
I'd really appreciate that. Thanks.
The model has only been scaled up so that it is 10 times the size that it needs to be. I've been trying to use a 2mm bevel on various edges, but if I scale up the model and use a 20mm bevel, I still get the same problem.
Hi xrok1,
The edges pictured in your post are amongst those effected.
I just realised that it wasn't very helpful to post a model where most of the edges had already been rounded off.
Here's a sharp edge version (again 10 x final size).
Even basic shapes like the square blocks and the clear lens on the top of the lighting model are causing me trouble.
i can't seem to reproduce the problems?? what version of SU do you have installed?