[Plugin] Proper Animation V1.08 Beta(Updated 14/11/10)
Is it the shadow thing I talk about in my post on page 7 ?
how do you set the axes to the desired position? -
Found a strange glitch when I was trying to animate labica model, here you see:
Glitch.skp -
Hey-hey, an update!
so i tried the plug in and it works. noticed that, using Sketchup v7.1 making the animation frames i needed to set the frames up, stop then restart the plugin for the frames to sync with the regular animation frames.
ok so it works; but i exported it to animation with the .AVI extension then tried to import into windows movie maker and it got an error saying the Codec is not found? then could not open it.
so Sketchup made an animation but im not able to edit it. Is there a codec that needs to be downloaded?
@karinagm said:
how do you set the axes to the desired position?Right-click on component, Changes axes, then you need to click 3 points ; first the new origin, then 2 along the desired red axis, or first on red and second on green axis.
Hello Bradley,
As noted in the documentation and previous posts on this thread, Sketchup can not export the animations in the "standard" way.
You have two options:- quick and dirty - hide the axes and use a screen capture utility while playing the animations
- slow and pretty - use a renderer to save each animation frame and chain those together into a movie - read previous posts - Kerkythea, Twilight ...
It's also possible to write an image for each frame from the FrameChangeObserver. You would end up with a series of images that can be compiled into an animation using some other software.
@jim said:
It's also possible to write an image for each frame from the FrameChangeObserver
what is and where is the framechangeobserver ?Thanks
Boothy -
@boothy said:
@jim said:
It's also possible to write an image for each frame from the FrameChangeObserver
what is and where is the framechangeobserver ?Thanks
@morisdov said:
Hello Bradley,
As noted in the documentation and previous posts on this thread, Sketchup can not export the animations in the "standard" way.
You have two options:- quick and dirty - hide the axes and use a screen capture utility while playing the animations
- slow and pretty - use a renderer to save each animation frame and chain those together into a movie - read previous posts - Kerkythea, Twilight ...
01. The PlugIn SmoothStepAnim.rb is very good (not render) for save picture in picture of the [Proper Animation] and group the images for video (http://groups.google.it/group/Sketchup-Pro/browse_thread/thread/ea575d1bce3d1c97)
02. Post SketchUCation: http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=323&t=10946&hilit=Re%3A+Plugin]+proper+animation+for+SketchUp+6+free%2Fpro&start=75#p142979
Re: [Plugin] proper animation - for SketchUp 6 free/pro
PostBy Ecuadorian on Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:55 am03. Post SketchUCation: http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=323&t=10946&hilit=Re%3A+[Plugin]+proper+animation+for+SketchUp+6+free%2Fpro&start=90#p181444
Re: [Plugin] proper animation - for SketchUp 6 free/pro
PostBy mariocha on Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:53 am -
On advice from the forums I've animated a scene usng "PROPER ANIMATION" and as expected can't export it. I'm using a "SMOOTHSTEP ANIMATION" plug-in to break the scene up into jpgs but how then can I re-assemble the step-by-step images into a movie file? Is there no ruby that lets me export a proper animation?
any help would be appreciated
Hi Ben,
Rendering applications very often only export the frames as still images. Later you can assemble these images into an animation using several (free or cheap or expensive) 3rd party programs like VirtualDub for instance. This will also allow you better control over your video quality than if you exported them from SU.
Seems Twilight can render the animations of plugin like Proper Animation
Okay I gave this a shot but must be missing a whole lot. Spent several hours creating several scenes, all of which contain multiple objects animated with Proper - office equipment coming up through the floor. I installed the Smooth Animation plugin and Virtualdub. All ready to go! Nope. Exported the frames as PNG using Smooth...all static images of each scene - no Proper animation in any of the frames.
What did I do wrong?
CLARIFICATION: The camera is animated but nothing else, basically nothing animated with Proper.
Using Pixero and Fredo's work, I was able to create a sequence where my camera flies all around a room. Now I'd like the plane to be in the camera's field, first as a fixed item, and later moving (while staying in the viewfield).
(Note: I talk about this aspect in a dedicated post)Most efficient way to do so is to attach the plane to the camera, as you can do in most animation tools. But I understood this would not be easily feasable.
Another way is to get for each frame (from a script maybe) the camera position and orientation, add offline my plane wanted relative position and orientation, and then update my plane's coordinates for each frame, maybe using ProperAnimation plugin...
But as I've just discovered SU, I still don't really know how to get these position + orientation infos... Plus I don't know if it is possible to set offline Proper Animation coordinates for an object !
Is it ? How do I do this ?
can someone please hold my hand and walk me through this?
i'm trying to do something a bit more complicated than this but if i can get help moving these three blocks in sequence then i'll be able to figure out the rest (hopefully
unfortunately, i think i really need a step-by-step (as in, don't assume i know when to make the different scenes or when to assign which position to which piece or when to start/stop the scene observer etc.. those types of instructions are already out there and they aren't clicking with me
). i've tried many combinations but i can't get them moving one at a time.. i'm basically trying a sort of assembly animation where the pieces fly into place in the order they need to go..
just in case anyone is wondering...
DaveR is the Man
thanks so much -
Thanks Jeff. Glad we got it sorted.
So for those who might be wondering. the trick is to select all of the groups/components whether they move or not between scenes and set the position for the animation.
OMG! YAY! Thank you! Did I say Thank You?
Thank you very much!
My current project will not be convincing without real animation, can't wait to try it!