Material panel has list view as text unabled (OSX)
@frv said:
Thats how important it is for those who render. And there are a lot of users now who do...
that's the thing.. i've been using sketchup since v4 in my professional work but i didn't start seriously making rendered views until this year.. i never had a problem with the colorpicker before because if i wanted something black, i'd choose black.. easy.
but now, i might have a black diffuse material and a black phong which look identical in the color picker so i'm stuck with the hover and wait as well as the odd fashion to put names on the different colors/materials.. it's still workable but it's a bit of a headache.
if i'm being honest, i'd guess a very small percentage of total SU users see the current material browser as a problem so it's going to be hard to get a lot of steam behind the movement.. we can hope though.
Maybe we're enough?
There seem to be quite a number of people posting in the gallery section that renders. What if you did a little survey? amongst users here and at forums for some of the render engines. ASGVis's forum for instance?
Maybe you could explain what a feature request really means ? Is it realistic to expect an improved material panel in the next 6 months for us pro-OSX users ?
I think there are enough SU-OSX render-users who wish for a more "pro" material panel.
If it is implemented, no doubt that it will be the same in the Pro and Free versions alike. So it's not a "Pro" feature request. As Thom is a Beta tester (andusing Mac, too), he may be bumping the idea in the official Feature Requests list (and yes, believe me, when they see that something is a major and reasonable requirement, they tend to listen - how on Earth do you think the back button came back in the component browser otherwise?)
@thomthom said:
I'm not a OSX user
Thom, I'm a bit confused, as you list yourself as an OSX user (in your details avatar)!
This is a very wise idea btw, Google. I too am getting confused with my big colo(u)rs palette list. Please add me to the petition to fix this.
@thomthom said:
If you do rework the material editor. Please, please, please make it stop opening up every time I activate the paintbucket. At least an option to do so. Even if it's a registry setting or other hidden tweak. Just let me not have to see that window pop up everytime.
...guess it's Material-editor rant time...
No, good point!
In fact can you engineer it so it behaves in the same way as the layers and component etc panels- ie a single click on the bar, closes the window- "Mac OS 9 windowshade", manner, just like the others (OS X and XP)? Because usually I have to pick the damn thing up and move it elsewhere, or simply just close it.
The other Tom (I was christened 'Thom' too!
@tfdesign said:
@thomthom said:
I'm not a OSX user
Thom, I'm a bit confused, as you list yourself as an OSX user (in your details avatar)!
I have a old Mac Mini, from the first generation G4 type, which I use as a test machine for webdevelopment and ruby development. But I never use it for modelling work.
Francois - no software company in their right mind will commit to saying "we will do x in six months", because, well, you know why (he says, with a lawyer's pen jammed to the back of his head) . We have lists of feature requests, that come from many sources. For example, many of you voted on feature requests recently using Googe Moderator. That was helpful, and we thank you for the feedback. We listen to it. I wont give you the exact process of how we work through these things, but there is one.
Even great ideas don't always get implemented for many reasons that may be very subtle. It's a very good suggestion for multiple reason and I personally like it, but there are no promises.
Ok B, tx. I understand.
Thomthom , you might have a look at MXM reporter. He seems to have been able to make a panel rather easily.
Yea, I just need to get a couple of other projects out of the way first.