Rendering Workshop - Studio - still life
Hi Al
These rendering discussions are going way over my head at the minute - where do I need to start - photography, lighting, I dont know!!!- I have bought Twilight and the trial version of podium. I also have purchased Piranesi but I dont think it is suitable for PR renderings.
I would like someone to tell me of a good source of info in print or online where I can go and understand what is required to produce good images. You guys are amazing but to be honest I cringe when asking some of these questions and it puts me off participating in the forum quite a bit. Please give me some references to material where I can go off and get the basics of lighting, etc understood before I come back to bother you guys.
For the above mentioned exercises you firstly need to use a renderer that is capable of achieving these results.
Twilight is capable of using image based lighting as well as shadow controls, unfortunately Podium does not have anyway of using image based lighting nor can you turn shadows off and on with omni's, which IMO disqualifies it for studio type renders.Do you have a copy of the Twilight manual? if you do go through it and see the sky probe and spherical sky explanations first, that will give you a guide as to how to apply HDRI's.
Cheers Solo
As you can see from my earlier post I tried the still life using twilight with preset Medium +. I have watched the Twilight tutorials and have gone through the manual and I understand that you apply materials and that you adjust the properties of those materials to get different reflections, shine etc.
What I do not get is the terminology and how things work. I downloaded the studio set up you kindly posted into the still life model and it took me 10 - 15 mins to finds the bloody plate because the studio was so big!!! Are you getting some idea of how far down the food chain I am here!!
When HDRi comes into it - how do I put that into the mix - how do I place that into the model to give of light - do I apply it as a texture to a face that I create in the model?
These are the really dumb ass questions I need to ask??
I forgot about that, yeah the studio is large, purposely also, see how small the place setting is in my version.
@dermotcoll said:
Cheers Solo
These are the really dumb ass questions I need to ask??
Don't be put off. These are the questions the Workshop was designed for.
We want to let you see what others are doing. And we want to help you learn to do it yourself.
You might back up a bit, and start with Solo's first example.
Add the reflection properties needed to your model.
(Most renderers can grab colors, textures and transparency directly from SketchUp. But you need to add reflective properties yourself - since there are no reflective settings in SketchUp. -
Then try solo's suggestions of shining 3 lights at the place setting.
Don't worry about much else yet. If you are just starting out, you want to see how various things work - not just try for the best rendering right away. You can achieve some very good studio effects with this model and three lights.
Hi Dermot,
You just save your hdri (or any spherical or hemispherical) images into a convenient folder (not to "far" from your SU projects for easier browsing).
Now open the Twilight light editor (left of the material sampler button) and change the physical sky under the last tab (sun/sky) > and the top left pulldown menu is background / sky type. Now set the background image type and then below, browse to the folder you keep these images and select the one you want to use.
Edit - also notice that I disabled the sun so that only the image would light the scene. This can be both good or bad - depending on what you want.
Attached is a .hdri for you to test, it's the same one I used for the Buddha on previous page.
Unzip and put in a place you will find (best make a folder for all your future .hdri's)
Then in the Twilight light editor set up like below.- select sky probe
- navigate to the hdri
- uncheck the sun and shadows
Now do a test render and from there you can play with the rotation, textures, etc.
edit... beaten by Csaba.
Thanks guys
Did that and I didnt see the hdri image anywhere in the model - should I have seen it and if so why didnt I?
I just did a quick render and there is something showing behind the studio set up - I take it I should have deleted the studio setup if Im using HDRi?
The studio is there to block the HDR image and only allow the reflections and illumination of the HDRI, you should be able to see the reflections on any shiny surface now.
Hi SOlo
If the studio is there to BLOCKthe HDRi image - how can reflections and iluminations from the HDRi actually effect / affect the model. I am cooking an image in Twilight on Medium now and when its is finished I will post it - if you could point out what you mean on it I would appreciate it. Slainte.
edit - what a d**khead - I deleted the studio on this one so I am seeing the HDRi image now all around the still life model. I will cook another when its finished and compare and contrast!!
Ah yes, the studio is only needed to
- have something "underneath" (otherwise you won't have shadosw cast anywhere) and
- to have something that - by reflecting the light coming from anywhere - gives a nice, global illumination to the scene.
That's not fair, Chris. If I had been told that I can have too apples, maybe I'de've joined, too!
Just to make me feel better Chris!!
- you go and get more apples and a drink - I hope thats vodka in that glass cos I'm ready for it right about now!!!!
Thanks for the improved model Solo.
A 'render tip of the week' could be: no good renders without good models.Here's my entry:
Okay - here is the second one with the studio back in - let me have it!!
Edit - just spotted the dark shadow to the bottom left of the placemat - there are not lights except for the HDRi image so I was wondering what was causing this?
Why is that black stain in the lower left corner of the napkin?
Otherwise, as you can see, when there is only the image background is giving light, there are no shadows at all. Yes, I suggested before to disable sunlight but maybe a little bit (just for some subtle shadows) is not bad. You can turn it down to 1-2 from the default 5. Like here (obviously I have polished the apple too much a bit but my mom told me to always carefully wash fruits before eating - also, the glass should not cast that crazy shadow)
Hi Dermot,
Have you set the place mat with a reflective surface?
I feel your pain on the 'Learning to Render' front. It's breaking my liathroidi
Cheers Gaieus
I havent a clue what that dark patch is - I thought it might be something to do with the still life sitting on the sudio set up but the 1st image doesnt have the studio and yet it is still there.
I am moving out of the dark already on this subject already thanks to you guys (pardon the pun) I must go away and practice with some simple modwls now just to see how they are affected by lights, positioning etc.
Thanks again
@dermotcoll said:
Just to make me feel better Chris!!
- you go and get more apples and a drink - I hope thats vodka in that glass cos I'm ready for it right about now!!!!
Not sure about the wodka, but here you go.
Bon appetit!
@kwistenbiebel said:
Thanks for the improved model Solo.
A 'render tip of the week' could be: no good renders without good models.Here's my entry:
Wow! good work.
You were probably kidding about the rendering tip.
Actually, some of the tips are about how to make good renderings without good models.
We are assuming that sometimes you are given the model by someone else in the firm, and have to do the best you can with it. I suppose you could always modify it, to replace single face glass window with double face windows. But perhaps not.