[Plugin Idea] Deform Plugin
If you look the "deformation" system that works only with 4 sides surfaces!
So maybe Skin Soap & Bubles + sand box, can make the trick in Su -
like what Thomthom & Pilou said is true and if it seems a bit possible altering existing plug ins and merge them, giving one operation multiple operations (don't know if you guys get what im saying) but not to have a couple of icons ,each doing a function but maybe what we are also looking at is like an AI system. Less buttons to press = easier and faster work flow. don't get me wrong..without these plug ins...su would be really behind. Hats off for those who made this possible for us to make this application fun and easy to use. For the Mega programmers, maybe a think to look at is maybe something like more function like we saw in those movies, but barely using any commands, icons etc( i know it seems kinda impossible ) But i think we are moving in that direction.
hey guys c' mon, we are all striving to make sketchup better and not trying to bite each others head off.
I think you have a point there that this 3DVIA feature could be made by combining existing SU rubies.
FredoScale,JointPushPull, FFD, Subdivide And Smooth, soap skin bubble ....The beauty of that 3DVIA tool is that indeed it looks sooo simple to use. The interface looks spot on. Could have been a SU tool.
Maybe Whaat can get inspired for his next version of SDS (He mentions in his blog he is working on SDS2).ps: Google rules!
these are great tools, David.
I am afraid there will always be a problem to use the like in SketchUp though. because doing these transformations with a polygon modeller means a dramatic increase of polygons - something SU isn't too fond of. that means, where a nurbs modeller only has lets say 4 splines to define a complicated, curved surface, the polygon modeller will have vast amounts of information, which increases file size unnecessarily.I know, I am repeating myself with this one... but creating a nurbs modeller that is working with the ease of a polygon modeller is the way to go!
Looks like a nice way for evolution of FredoScale.
@earthmover said:
I don't get that 3dvia program. So, it's a program like sketchup, except you can only use it online and you can't export or save any of your models to the hard drive? Seems pointless and a waste of good modeling tools.
Wonder if 3DVIA Printscreen or OGLE would extract the model created with 3dvia...
@plot-paris said:
I am afraid there will always be a problem to use the like in SketchUp though. because doing these transformations with a polygon modeller means a dramatic increase of polygons - something SU isn't too fond of.
I think that can work with a method like the one used in Fredoscale that has a Slicer (for Bend and Twist). Slices what it needs and not all.
Easily bend a flat surface to create wavy, swoopy, and curved objects is something that Sketchup needs. This tool makes that.
Here another video showing that you can use something like Line On Surface after making the curved surface and deform that line too. Is very powerful.
Here a simulation of this tool in SketchUp:
Daniel S
it would be cool if SU could do this, how ever i find the underlying Coen versus the Sketchup bashers debate far more interesting
Coen, i dont mean to pick on you, and i appologize if this is general knowledge, but what is your profession? i know that anyone working as a 3d artist that has a broad understanding of 3D modeling (Sketchup and the more traditional 3d apps ie max, C4d)will eventually come to the conclussion that Sketchups developement is painfully slow, and we enjoy a love hate relationship with the program. personally i hate SU once a day but for architecture would not and could not go a single day without it even having Max at my disposal. so relying on SU as we (myself and Biebel im sure) do, its painful for us to see SU stuck in this perpetual 3d infancy, so we get bleek feeling our wishes are not being heard from the big SU programers or marketing consultants or whoever decides SU's developement strategy.
he doesnt hate Skecthup people hes frustrated by limitations... duh
my retort refers strictly to architecture, i dont what the hell anyone who uses SU for anything else is thinking although i understand its appeal and wont hold it against you.
look a smiley afro
stinkie you crack me up.
Free Agent, that's scary...it's like you could read my mind.
Couldn't agree more.Sketchup stoped in time about 5-6 years ago, and sometimes i, as a user, even feel i'm the bad guy for wanting it to evolve or at least allow me to do more than the previous version...
And then we see other examples of faithfull users with other softwares, like modo, that started as just a modeler, added a texture, paint, scult tools, render, and now animation tools in about half time of the sketchup full life. For them it compensated to be suporting that software and it will keep gaining more suporters because them know the software will keep evolving. can we say the same?
I still think sketchup is great for the basic stuff and for arch stuff (some...) the problem here is that it is as "great" for this stuff now as it was as years ago, nothing changed, nothing evolved, nothing was fix, and specially there's still nothing i could do now with sketchup that i couldn't back then...and that's just sad...
At the risk of this turning in to the old arguement
@unknownuser said:
And then we see other examples of faithfull users with other softwares, like modo, that started as just a modeler, added a texture, paint, scult tools, render, and now animation tools in about half time of the sketchup full life. For them it compensated to be suporting that software and it will keep gaining more suporters because them know the software will keep evolving. can we say the same?
Perhaps modo is getting these tools as it was always meant to be a fully fledged animation package. The same can't be said for SU.
Completely agree with Freeagent and DacaD.
ps. this would be an awesome plugin
There's something to be said for Remus' comment as well, I think. SU's not meant to compete with apps like Modo. However, it does need quite a bit of work - not to be 'up there with the big boy apps', but to become better at the tasks it was intended to be used for.
@unknownuser said:
However, it does need quite a bit of work - not to be 'up there with the big boy apps', but to become better at the tasks it was intended to be used for.
here here! (or is it 'hear hear'? i can never remember.)
If the Google is working on those that is great news. After all they might be listening what people were saying. Can you tell if one of the several was highpoly?
Cool Plugin - Whre can I find the plugin?
It's a plugin idea(only), not a real (i.e. already written) plugin.
Then why are you teasing?
It is all boll****.
First, plugin idea would be great and Id love to see someone run with the idea.
Second, not to dwell on what has already been said, I want to speak a little towards this little SU discussion. I agree with several of you, that why would we start going after one another. One of greatest things about SU that no other program can match, is the community and the way everyone works together and shares. I would not be where I am today without this community and ones like the ASGvis and podium ones, and that is a credit to all of us and I thank you all. So there is no need to go after one another, even if there are differences in opinions. With that said, I am equally as frustrated as kwist, because I am at a point in my life, as I am sure many of you are, that time is crucial...Every day I go back and forth debating with myself to stick with SU or put time into learning 3ds max. Yeah being able to learn multiple programs is great and makes you more versatile, but It is frustating not knowing what to put my time, money, and energy into right now. If we knew that SU was going to try and at least develope things like "high poly support" then it would be less frustrating because I would know wat to invest my time into and what to stick with. But now I am stuck balancing both SU and max and that just makes everything that much more difficult. Honestly, it jsut seems like SU continues to be a tease to keep some people around and I have to admit that I am one of those that just cant manage to move on because it works too well with architecture. We all value our free time and nobody wants to put time into something that is never going to grow at a competetive rate and not to mention, we are talking about a lot of money for people to learn programs like this in offices. Plus, if anyone is like me, I want to put time into learning other things like web design or motion graphics and there is just so much out there that it would be nice to know what modeler to truely invest into.
One thing we do have to remember, and this could maybe explain some of the slow developement,.....SU is FREE. You can not overlook that. But, I would like to see them stop trying to convince people that SU pro is something different just because you pay for it. ITS THE SAME PROGRAM, but like everyone else, my office purchased it. It just seems like they are trying to get one over on people by making a pro version with littl-to-no extra features cost hundreds of dollars. And that is another reason I think people get frustrated....If we pay several hundred dollars on something, we should be able to rely on the developement team to competetively develope the product and not the users (google should be paying plenty of guys on this forum for keeping peoples' interest alive in this program, because how many of you would even be around if we didnt have plugins like FFD or freescale?...shout out to the developers, thanks )
Lastly, we cant get to offended with what is said on here. Some people have different opinions and they all need to be respected, and I have heard many others say far worse than anything that was mentioned in this thread, and many were quite funny. Lets just not lose that community that makes this program what it is.
OK I am done with my ranting & rambling...Hope I didnt upset anyone?
hear, hear!