[Plugin Idea] Deform Plugin
@remus said:
I think your thinking of truespace thom, which microsoft has recently abandoned. 3dvia is owned by dassault systems, the same people who make solidworks.
@remus said:
Back to the original topic, can you do the transformation in non-planar directions?
I imagine it'd be possible to do in any direction. You'd just need the vector to where it'd deform. It kind of reminds me of Chris' Loft tool.
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Its quite funny watching some of their videos, the similarity to SU/google earth is striking
Sure looks awesome, just imagine how cool it would be if su could do that as easy as that.
That would be an awesome and hectic powerful tool -
All 3DShape tips tricks are here
@unknownuser said:
@kwistenbiebel said:
3D VIA is getting ahead of Sketchup it seems when it comes to built-in modeling tools.
Can someone please wake up the Googies?...Hey Kwist, why don't you change your name into 'Google Basher'? Your ranting in every single topic is getting a little repetitive. Seriously, very annoying.
Doesn't change the fact he's right.
I do not get it as well. It seems quite powerfull little soft, but without saving I can't see the point. As it is made by same people who made Catia I supose it does support high poly well.. Also it has bit more advanced inferencing system, I would say, than SU.
Anyway before they make the save version it is not going to go anywhere IMO. -
He might be right, but it's still very annoying (and quite insulting.)
Well ... I'd find it annoying too - if I were Coen. But I'm not. I don't make any money off propagating SU (no ... I don't have anything against that, far from it), I am merely a customer of Google's. As such, my view on this matter differs quite radically from Coen's.
Look, an afro smiley:
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
Well ... I'd find it annoying too - if I were Coen. But, I'm not.
If I were from Belgium I wouldn't either.
Coen, for someone with your post's signature, that's a strange thing to say about kwistenbiebel's statement... ("Never punish a person that is honest. ~CN") lolol
About this plugin idea it would be great if it could come true but my question here is how would the number of faces created by the deformation of a face be controled?
id imagine youd do it trough specifying the number of arc segments.
I think the reference to "being from Belgium' is totaly misplaced, and a moderator unworthy.
erikB -
Coen isnt a moderator.
@unknownuser said:
So Skin Soap & bubles, can make the trick in su
Close, but not quite. Soap Skin doesn't transform the edges, only the surface in between. This anchors the vertexes and deforms faced and edges.
If you look the "deformation" system that works only with 4 sides surfaces!
So maybe Skin Soap & Bubles + sand box, can make the trick in Su -
like what Thomthom & Pilou said is true and if it seems a bit possible altering existing plug ins and merge them, giving one operation multiple operations (don't know if you guys get what im saying) but not to have a couple of icons ,each doing a function but maybe what we are also looking at is like an AI system. Less buttons to press = easier and faster work flow. don't get me wrong..without these plug ins...su would be really behind. Hats off for those who made this possible for us to make this application fun and easy to use. For the Mega programmers, maybe a think to look at is maybe something like more function like we saw in those movies, but barely using any commands, icons etc( i know it seems kinda impossible ) But i think we are moving in that direction.
hey guys c' mon, we are all striving to make sketchup better and not trying to bite each others head off.
I think you have a point there that this 3DVIA feature could be made by combining existing SU rubies.
FredoScale,JointPushPull, FFD, Subdivide And Smooth, soap skin bubble ....The beauty of that 3DVIA tool is that indeed it looks sooo simple to use. The interface looks spot on. Could have been a SU tool.
Maybe Whaat can get inspired for his next version of SDS (He mentions in his blog he is working on SDS2).ps: Google rules!
these are great tools, David.
I am afraid there will always be a problem to use the like in SketchUp though. because doing these transformations with a polygon modeller means a dramatic increase of polygons - something SU isn't too fond of. that means, where a nurbs modeller only has lets say 4 splines to define a complicated, curved surface, the polygon modeller will have vast amounts of information, which increases file size unnecessarily.I know, I am repeating myself with this one... but creating a nurbs modeller that is working with the ease of a polygon modeller is the way to go!
Looks like a nice way for evolution of FredoScale.
@earthmover said:
I don't get that 3dvia program. So, it's a program like sketchup, except you can only use it online and you can't export or save any of your models to the hard drive? Seems pointless and a waste of good modeling tools.
Wonder if 3DVIA Printscreen or OGLE would extract the model created with 3dvia...