[Plugin] Component/group tools
Useful, but carefully select entities
Thanks Matt
it does not work if i use the first and second item.
the sketchup is dead!!
please tell me why or make a example.
thanks! -
Sorry for the delay!
Aille... I tested it more deeper, and yes, SU crashes... Sorry. I don't know why.I will investigate.
Thank you for the feedback! -
Hi Matt,
Your script make sense!
and it reminds me an idea,
I wish there will be a plugin:
First we draw single lines, then we select a component,
I hope the plugin can make each single straight line into a component, the length of the line will define the scale of the component.I don't know if it is possible, but I know it will also make big sense!
Hi Matt - i think this script is great - hope you can find the crash fix sometime
Cheers.. -
Try this
it might help you avoid the BugSplatting...
Hi Matt, hope you are so bored one of these days that you will pick this script up again!
cheers -
Hi CadFather!
The problem is that working on components generates lots of problems... It's very hard for me.
I try sometimes, but slowly! -
..take all the time you see fit Matt, i might post a request as well..cheers!
@matt666 said:
Hi all!
Here is a set of tools to play with components and groups.
It can :- Make a group of just one entity (right click or menu plugins/Make group)
- Make a component instance of just one entity (right click or menu plugins/Make component)
- Convert each entity in the selection in a single group (right click or menu plugins/Convert on single groups)
- Convert each entity in the selection in a single component (right click or menu plugins/Convert on single components)
- Convert the selected component into a group (right click or menu plugins/Make group)
SU has a native tool to convert a group into a component.
That's all!
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Make_Comonents.rb Version 1.1 Does Not Run All the Time
Postby mac1 on Tue May 18, 2010 10:30 am
System Windows xp sp3
SU as noted below
P4 3.2GHz Intel 865 PERL Mother Board, 4 GB Memory
I have been attempting to convert the file ref in this link http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/sketchup/thread?tid=50e8ceb670ed94ef&hl=en ( file: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=5841263f36529eef9f30f02514717f00 )to components but the script usually converts the first group and quits but, some times it will convert correctly. Ii have not been able to find the initial conditions to repeat the success case. When the failure occurs the ruby console reports this:
Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined methoddefinition' for #<Deleted Entity:0x60ad9f0>> F:/PROGRA~1/Google/GOOGLE~1/Plugins/Make_Components.rb:140:in
F:/PROGRA~1/Google/GOOGLE~1/Plugins/Make_Components.rb:135:ineach' F:/PROGRA~1/Google/GOOGLE~1/Plugins/Make_Components.rb:135:in
F:/PROGRA~1/Google/GOOGLE~1/Plugins/Make_Components.rb:48:in `call'
I have uninstalled all ruby scripts except the ones loaded with the basic SU installation also removed SU 6. the failure repeats with both SU 7.0+ and SU 7.1 both with clean installs. I have tried a repair install with both SU 7's but cannot because of a missing msi file
Any Suggestions?? -
Noted during my post the ruby console error report is different ( in the ref. help forum) that what was obtained in the last attempt to covert the groups. Line number ref are different by one and the entity octal number is different. Removed script, download from Matt's link above and reloaded with same result. -
I looked over his code and there seems to be an error that pops up when you only have groups selected. Try running the script with always a non-group in the selection - like just draw a line and then select it along with the groups, then run the script. I think that will by pass the problems.
@chris fullmer said:
I looked over his code and there seems to be an error that pops up whn you only have groups selected. Try running the script wil always a non-group in the selection - like just draw a line and then select it along with the groups, then run the script. I think that will by pass the problems.
Thanks, nothing to it when you know what you are doing
BTW the line gets converted to component also -
The utility of this script is beyond me. I will keep my head down in hopes that someone will post some uses.
@brookefox said:
The utility of this script is beyond me. I will keep my head down in hopes that someone will post some uses.
Very simple at least for me. A post in the Sketchup help forum having problems with file size had numerous groups with the same geo.( An example is shown in the ref test file I included with my post.) has a file size of ~930KB. If one converts to components, then uses the browser "replace selected" capability that goes down to around ~70KB. A significant reduction in my mind. If one looks at the model info stats report the edges and faces don't change that much. It was my feeble attempt to understand the imapct of max use of components which is often stated but not quantified.
BTW I will on occasion place a very simple component in my model(s), have even used a line ( not a good idea), then recognizing a components definition is invariant under move, scale and rotation one can latter replace with a complex model which gets added to the model at the scale, location and rotation of the simple model( need to pay attention to your component axis)
Thanks for yor response. This use I get but for it I don't need this plugin:
@unknownuser said:problems with file size had numerous groups with the same geo.
One can make components out of groups and instances of groups this with native SU.It's the making of components out of lines that I don't get much of.
So for your 'simple' best use you would have a lot of lines in your models which are not parts of components, and making them components with this would reduce your file size. OK. I do have a lot of groups which are not components, but next to no lines which are not parts of groups or components. For me the crux is when and what groups to componetize, just because it take time, even if it saves file space. Certainly if I have many of said group or I want component behavior from a group it would be best componentized, I don't need a plugin to do that. Rereading the thread I see the use implied of maybe wanting to populate a model with lines, componetize them and then subsequently edit the component which would then be in place wherever the lines were. If I can do this now with two lines instead of one, that is sufficient for me.
@brookefox said:
Thanks for yor response. This use I get but for it I don't need this plugin:
@unknownuser said:problems with file size had numerous groups with the same geo.
One can make components out of groups and instances of groups this with native SU.It's the making of components out of lines that I don't get much of.
So for your 'simple' best use you would have a lot of lines in your models which are not parts of components, and making them components with this would reduce your file size. OK. I do have a lot of groups which are not components, but next to no lines which are not parts of groups or components. For me the crux is when and what groups to componetize, just because it take time, even if it saves file space. Certainly if I have many of said group or I want component behavior from a group it would be best componentized, I don't need a plugin to do that. Rereading the thread I see the use implied of maybe wanting to populate a model with lines, componetize them and then subsequently edit the component which would then be in place wherever the lines were. If I can do this now with two lines instead of one, that is sufficient for me.
Glad you are happy with what you have that is what is important. The plugin is just another wrench in the tool box.
You are correct SU has that native capability but what are you going to do if you have say a 100 groups and identical. The native tool will make a component out of all of them but the reduction of file size doing that will be nil.
My test case was not suppose to be a global analysis of a model having a mix of various entities and was meant to show what poor modeling practice can cost one. The model has 33 groups and nested in each of those is three groups( all identical) and some other simple entities a really a simple model. If you examine one of those and expolde the component the change in file size is nil so the the message is use components but having a bunch of nested groups in the components does not help much
Gday -
i went thru all topics dealing with component naming,
but i cannot find a solution.i would like to give a name to a created component by this code:
######## start code
model = Sketchup.active_model
entities = model.active_entities
rl1 = [0, y1, 0]
rl2 = [0, y2, z]
group = entities.add_group
entities2 = group.entities
new_line = entities2.add_line rl1, rl2
length = new_line.lengthcenterpoint = rl1 # Create a circle perpendicular to the normal or Z axis vector = rl2 vector2 = vector.normalize! edges = entities2.add_circle centerpoint, vector2, $thradius kreis = entities2.add_face edges kreis.pushpull -(5/$faktor)/100 $masterrailingtms = group.to_component # HERE I WOULD LIKE TO DEFINE A NAME FOR THIS NEW COMPONENT, WHICH I CAN SEE IN IN SKP ENTITY-INORMATION-WINDOW. this name also hopefully appears in the copied instances of this component, but most important is the name for component [0]
######## end code
can somebody help me?
stan -
xxxx = group.to_component
refers to an component-instance NOT a component-definition: so to find the instance's definition use:
defn = xxx.definition
then rename it thus:
defn.name = "foo_fighter"
Be aware if there is already a 'foo_fighter' definition it'll become 'foo_fighter#1' etcPS: don't use global $var variables which will potentially clash with others tools - wrap your code in your own module and use @var instead.