[Plugin] UVTools v0.1
Much obliged.
Cheers, i look forward to trying this plugin out.
all hail the whaat machine!
Cool, I shall go and play with this now - Thanks
Thanks, Whaat. It's perfect!
....Thank god you didn't leave for Basecamp and stuck with us to deliver some goodies.
Better news over here than @Boulder ?.....
Thank you very much Whaat! -
Thank you so much..!!
I read somewhere that people are calling you WhaatUp...No wonder why..!!
Whaat, you ROCK!
I thought it was Whaat'sUp
You're right, Chris...
Of course it's Whaat'sUp...
(I actually wrote that to begin with, but got unsure...)
No you are both wrong... it's:
With your tongue sticking out...Thanks again for another nice plugin!
Tip: trying this plugin on an untextured object causes the fastest splat you've ever seen. Zappp - and SU's gone.
@unknownuser said:
Tip: trying this plugin on an untextured object causes the fastest splat you've ever seen. Zappp - and SU's gone.
Thanks for the comment. This is an easy fix.
Cool. Been fiddling with this baby - works pretty well! Well-integrated too.
Dear Dale,
I have very little experience of rendering and I tend not to texture my models, so I am not too sure how to use a UV tool. By the way, what does UV stand for? If I understand your post correctly, the tool 'wraps' a texture around a curved object by projecting the texture from a plane positioned over and/or under the object. Further, the plane should be positioned so that its normal is along the centreline of the curved object which is itself aligned with the z-axis. Is this correct?
Can one project/wrap textures from a plane over and a plane under an object by dividing the surface area of the object into two along an x-y plane? I imagine a vase with different designs on the upper and lower halves.
Sorry for being so dense.
Kind regards,
Bob -
Theres a good illustration of spherical UV mapping there.
And i tihnk UV is just he coordinaet system thats used when applying textures in this way, so thats where the name comes from.
Thanks Remus!
The use is simple. Texture your object, right-click it's surface, and choose either "spherical" or "cylindrical". The size of the maps you set in SU's mat editor.
And you can in fact apply different textures on an object that's been divided in half.
what a wonderful plugin - works really good.
cylindrical mapping is even exportet in Indigo (spherical is screwed up a bit)
this is a start of a new world in SketchUp...thank you so much Whaat!