[Plugin] UVTools v0.1
Very nice - very useful - very promising !
Thanks for sharing those gems, Whaat! -
Whaat Thank You!
lately i'm not even sure what program i'm working on!
fanks man!
Much obliged.
Cheers, i look forward to trying this plugin out.
all hail the whaat machine!
Cool, I shall go and play with this now - Thanks
Thanks, Whaat. It's perfect!
....Thank god you didn't leave for Basecamp and stuck with us to deliver some goodies.
Better news over here than @Boulder ?.....
Thank you very much Whaat! -
Thank you so much..!!
I read somewhere that people are calling you WhaatUp...No wonder why..!!
Whaat, you ROCK!
I thought it was Whaat'sUp
You're right, Chris...
Of course it's Whaat'sUp...
(I actually wrote that to begin with, but got unsure...)
No you are both wrong... it's:
With your tongue sticking out...Thanks again for another nice plugin!
Tip: trying this plugin on an untextured object causes the fastest splat you've ever seen. Zappp - and SU's gone.
@unknownuser said:
Tip: trying this plugin on an untextured object causes the fastest splat you've ever seen. Zappp - and SU's gone.
Thanks for the comment. This is an easy fix.
Cool. Been fiddling with this baby - works pretty well! Well-integrated too.
Dear Dale,
I have very little experience of rendering and I tend not to texture my models, so I am not too sure how to use a UV tool. By the way, what does UV stand for? If I understand your post correctly, the tool 'wraps' a texture around a curved object by projecting the texture from a plane positioned over and/or under the object. Further, the plane should be positioned so that its normal is along the centreline of the curved object which is itself aligned with the z-axis. Is this correct?
Can one project/wrap textures from a plane over and a plane under an object by dividing the surface area of the object into two along an x-y plane? I imagine a vase with different designs on the upper and lower halves.
Sorry for being so dense.
Kind regards,
Bob -
Theres a good illustration of spherical UV mapping there.
And i tihnk UV is just he coordinaet system thats used when applying textures in this way, so thats where the name comes from.