I end up modeling a great many tubular railings along stairs and balconies, and this is something of a life saver...I don't have to orient a face perpendicular to the edge that describes the rail, I just select the rail, hit the hotkey for the plugin, specify my diameter, and go. It has also proved useful in creating steel trusses and open-web joists where the chords are round in cross section.
However, the variant pipe-along-path ruby is even more useful much of the time, because I can specify the number of edges in the circle sweeping the edge. Usually I don't need more than 8 if the tube/pipe is small diameter. I just have to remember to set the inner diameter to 0 when I don't want a real pipe.
[Lewis Wadsworth]
Thanks much! That worked like a charm.
I am making a model of our plant and all of its plumbing and wiring. This works well for tubing along odd angles because I don't have to set a face for follow me to use.
Thanks all,
Mike W.
Glad my script is useful...
We all are, TIG, thanks...
Thanks for the Script TIG, and thanks for the information Gaieus and Lewis. I will go get me one.
Typically at the end of an interactive script there's a menu section, something like:
if( not file_loaded?("............."))
The "............." is the script's name and the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX part is the menu definition - this is so it only loads once if for some reason you manually load the script etc you'll only get one menu item.
To add a right-click context-menu you need to add some code - like azuby's or similar forms. You replace the title and 'action' to suit... so in "Mirror.rb" it's:
UI.add_context_menu_handler do |menu|
if Sketchup.active_model.selection
menu.add_item("Mirror Selection") { Sketchup.active_model.select_tool}
end#do menu
inside the if loop at the end as well as the normal Plugins Menu instructions...Azuby's equivalent way would be:
UI.add_context_menu_handler{|menu|menu.add_separator;menu.add_item("Mirror Selection"){Sketchup.active_model.select_tool}}
... -
Feel free... it's the only way we learn...
Just to update TIG's reply, here is the code to cut and paste that worked for me FOR THE PIPE_ALONG_PATH ruby:
###$submenu2.add_item("Pipe Along Path") { pipe_along_path }### UI.add_context_menu_handler{|menu|menu.add_separator;menu.add_item("Pipe Along Path"){Sketchup.active_model.select_tool}}
Hope this helps everyone enjoy this excellent piece of code.
Thanks again TIG
Sorry guys....
I'm a little bit new with sketchup plugin and ruby script....
I can't understand how I can install this tool..
Could someone help me?many thanks,
Stef. -
You need to download the file form the link in the OP. Once youve done that you need to move it to the plugins folder in the SU system file -> \google\google sketchup 6\plugins
Once youve done that the plugin should be in the 'plugins' menu next time you start SU up.
Hi Remus!
Thank you for your answer.....
usually I download a file (with .rb file) and I put in plugin folder....(as you told me!)
I don't understand when you say "You need to download the file form the link in the OP"Is there a link where I can download the file?
(I can find just the script text and I'm not able to use it)Probably it is a silly request...I know, I'm very new of sketcup's plugins!...sorry!
Could someone help me?...Thanks!Stef.
Hi Stef,
Yes, that is the script itself actually.
Select all the text and copy/paste it into a plain text editor (such as Notepad or something - no MS Word or anything like that!) then save the text file as TubeAlongPath.rb into the Plugins folder. -
Is it possible to extend the existing .rb by adding 3d\cross etc. line conjunctions handling?
It'd be a real killer! -
Hi Gaieus,
Thnak you very much for your answer.I got a problem.
I get copy and paste in a notepad and then save it with the name "tubealongpath.rb" in the plugin folder (so i can see a txt file with that name) but also after a restart I cannot see anything in the plugin menu...
have you got any idea about the mistake?
Stef. -
What OS are you using and do you have administrative privileges using the logon you're using when you do the changes?
I think ruby scripts are csae sensitive. Save with the exact name I posted.
Hi Juju,
I'm using Windows Xp.
I didn't get any problems with plugins and .rb files before.
I think it is really weird.There are not many things to
if someone find out something let me know!
You could always right click the link in the OP and download the file straight to your plugins folder. That would hopefully eliminate any problems with naming the file.
Hi Remus!
Thank for your tip!
I tried it and now it works properly!
For sure it was my mistake in terms of name....anyway...
Now I start to play with seems like follow there any chance to have different radius of different section of the same pipe?stef.
Hi Stef,
Not with thisscript. Still it is very handy because it creates the extrusion easily and you need not hassle with aligning faces perpendicular to lines and such.