We have a Canon i9900 that works really well for us and can do up to 13x19, which is a bonus for presentation work.
We have a Canon i9900 that works really well for us and can do up to 13x19, which is a bonus for presentation work.
My first source for Mac software is always http://macupdate.com/ You can set your choice to only see freeware or everything and the search function is reasonable. http://www.macupdate.com/search.php?arc ... &os=macosx links to a search for 'screen capture'.
Hope this helps the Mac folk.
We have a small firm that has specialized in churches in Western Canada for over 30 years. The firm has done over 300 and I have been involved with over 50 since I joined here in '88. We do other things, but our bread and butter is working with large committees of inexperienced people on a tight budget and bringing them successfully through a complicated and expensive process to a product that they will use and love for a generation.
We meet a lot of nice people.
Did you make your own lines too? They seem to be much more controlled and finer than the ones I've explored in the included packages.
This is great work. What did you render in? Why the mystery name with out profile data? Promise we won't bite because it seems that you have some great stuff to show off. You also might want to post it in the Gallery instead of the Bar.
Welcome anyway!
@unknownuser said:
From the old forum, same login name:
Boo - my wife's cat.
Fred - my cat
Lay - my last name
Thanks Eric - that's always puzzled me! Kelly
Jeff that sounds disgusting! An instant mouth full of curds of sour cream - bet you don't do that twice.
Any of the corn products have a high glycemic index - their starch turns to virtually instant sugar.
You actually can make a good cheesecake. I had an Atkins recipe that used ground almonds for the crust and just a touch of Splenda for the sweetening and berries for the surprises in the middle. It was so nice that non Atkins family liked it as much as I did. You only get 1/16 size slice, but that is rich enough that it satisfied. Kept you from feeling deprived too.
Having married a South African girl 30 years ago, we have had this tea whenever we could get friends or family to send it over. Now it is all over the place and it is no longer a novelty when we entertain. Losing the exclusivity hurt a bit - sort of like when Google released the free SU!