It's quite easy to customize your Right-Click Popup ContextMenu in Notepad++
For this example, we use the SessionManager Plugin by Mike Foster. (The plugin is now up to version 0.6 and works very well now. So update if you have an older version.)
I have many project sessions saved, and now start Notepad++ with an empty session, and choose which project I will work on. There are two issues.
(1) The "Plugins" menu is huge! And having to go through it to get to the "Session Manager" sub-menu, each time, is a bummer.
(2) Even though the "Shortcut Mapper" is powerful, there is no way (that I can find,) to list those that have already been assigned. And a multitude have been! I do not know whether I will interfere with a shortcut that is already in use.
So instead, I added a ContextMenu sub-menu:
On the main menu: Settings > Edit Popup ContextMenu
(Click the OK button to have NPP open your user contextMenu.xml file.)
After the file opens, scroll down to the section beginning:
To add plugin commands, .....
... Add just below that comment (and above the lines adding "base64 encode" commands,) the following lines (if your running English and the actual "Session Manager" menu items are in English.):
<Item FolderName="Session &Manager" PluginEntryName="Session Manager" PluginCommandItemName="Sessions..." />
<Item FolderName="Session &Manager" PluginEntryName="Session Manager" PluginCommandItemName="Settings..." />
<Item FolderName="Session &Manager" id="0"/>
<Item FolderName="Session &Manager" PluginEntryName="Session Manager" PluginCommandItemName="Save current" />
Now.. restart NPP, and you will now have a "Session Manager" submenu on the right-click popup context menu.
So launch a session:
Right-Click, M, ENTER
BUT.. say you do not like the author's menu item names (there are 3 that begin with "S" and Windows' built-in 'starting letter' menu accelerators will not work for items, that are on a menu where other items also begin with the same letter.)
No problem ... the contextMenu.xml format allows you to use a different name (and accelerator letter,) than the plugin author used in his "Plugins" sub-menu. Add an ItemNameAs= attribute, to the Item tag.
Say that you want the accelerator to be "S" for the "Session Manager" popup sub-menu, and rename the menu items, and specify what accelerator will fire them using &: (I also went up near the top of the file, and changed the accelerator for "Select All" to "A".)
<Item FolderName="&Session Manager" PluginEntryName="Session Manager" PluginCommandItemName="Sessions..." ItemNameAs="&Control..."/>
<Item FolderName="&Session Manager" PluginEntryName="Session Manager" PluginCommandItemName="Settings..." ItemNameAs="&Options..."/>
<Item FolderName="&Session Manager" id="0"/>
<Item FolderName="&Session Manager" PluginEntryName="Session Manager" PluginCommandItemName="Save current" ItemNameAs="&Save Current Session"/>
<Item FolderName="&Session Manager" PluginEntryName="Session Manager" PluginCommandItemName="Help" ItemNameAs="&Help"/>
<Item FolderName="&Session Manager" PluginEntryName="Session Manager" PluginCommandItemName="About..." ItemNameAs="&About..."/>
[whoops... fixed the typos, so all the & in the same place.]
So I open Notepad++, Right-Click, and press "S" then "C", and choose which of my sessions I will work on.
And, on my machine, the context menu now looks like this:
[image: VaoK_npp_popup_session_mgr_submenu.png]
A last word: The attribute PluginEntryName must be the plugin sub-menu title, as it appears in your localized langauge. The same for the PluginCommandItemName, it must be the sub-menu item you wish to clone, exactly as it appears on the main Plugins > whateverPlugin sub-menu.