@regis said:
OK Yorky
I'll do a video screen capture this week end.
I don't know about IshowU but i like a lot ScreenFlow.regards
any succes yet?
@regis said:
OK Yorky
I'll do a video screen capture this week end.
I don't know about IshowU but i like a lot ScreenFlow.regards
any succes yet?
@bigstick said:
There are some good video tutorials on YouTube dealing with texturing that might help you. This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV0mLPQDcJ4&feature=user) is one. This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHsRRLCAOm8&feature=related)is another.
Thx for the link!
@regis said:
OK Yorky
I'll do a video screen capture this week end.
I don't know about IshowU but i like a lot ScreenFlow.regards
You'r the man!
this one is nice too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILnIbp509cY&NR=1 (will try it later...)
@regis said:
If I've got time I can make a little video showing how to tecture an arc (
lot of time consuming )
That would be wonderful! I know it's time consuming ;-( ,but the upside is that you learn instead... So, if you have some time left
and start this tut, let me know, i (and many other) would really appreciate. Screencapturing (like 'ishowu') is pretty easy.
@regis said:
Hi Yorky
I made a little try
In sketchup
[attachment=1:3mhs2w0s]<!-- ia1 -->texture arc.jpg<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:3mhs2w0s]exporting at fbx format keep the faces non triangulated if they aren't in sketchup
rendered with Cheetah3D ( very fast and basic )
[attachment=0:3mhs2w0s]<!-- ia0 -->essai texture arc.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:3mhs2w0s]regards
Hi, thx all,
There seems to be no 'voodoo' solution for texturing arc-stuff... I still believe that sketchup makes a mess with polygons, unless i do something terribly wrong...
Gaieus, i tried your advice... it's still not the wanted result. Maybe someone could write some tutorial about the best way to model an arc, texture and render it the right way... I guess sketchup can't do better, and that the UV-mapping should be done in your favorite 3d program.
In the cheetah3d forum, Frank Beckman suggests his method... http://www.cheetah3d.de/forum/showthread.php?t=3363
Regis: je ne parle pas le français, en petit peu Some people texture in sketchup and tweak it in cheetah (like Peer in the c3d forum), you texture completely in cheetah? Can you pls explain your last post? What do you mean or suggest?
Pls try again now, content should no longer be protected,...
many thanks
Hi, thx for the responses.
I guess the problem is solved, after restarting my computer... very very strange.
I have another big problem, and i can't find an answer.
I have summarized al with the pictures below. The problem you see, i also have with downloaded (similar) objects from sketchup warehouse (let's say a sink with watercrane). Seems like all this kinds of models sketchup has, causes major problems during texturing. I wonder if there's anyone who can solve this, tried the 3D forum where i am active, but still no go.
I have problems with exporting skp to 3d model:
I make a model, add multiple materials, export to let's say .3ds, confirm 'export texture maps',... and a windows pops up and says: exported material: 1.
Importing in a renderprogram shows that there are no materials assigned to it. What am i doing wrong?