Thanks, Plex. This looks like what I need. And I learned a new word: frustum. I must have been asleep when I read the ACT guide because it clearly shows what I described in my first post.
RE: Cone of Vision/Camera View into model
RE: Cone of Vision/Camera View into model
Are you talking about the native Position Camera and set Field of View tools, or something different? The native tools are fine for setting the view, but they don't provide the additional functionality that I described. I'm not familiar with Blender so I don't know if that's a good comparison or not.
Cone of Vision/Camera View into model
Sometimes when I'm building large exterior scenes, typically for drive-through animations, I would like to know precisely what elements of the scene will be in or out of the camera's view. Obviously I don't need to model something if it's not in view. Conversely, there might be a gap off in the distance somewhere that I would like to block with a car, bush, etc.
I envision a plugin that would define the cone of vision - what the camera "sees" - and place lines or guides as a separate group or layer directly into the model. This would help me know what would be seen and where to place components to block views to the great beyond. It would be great if the "Cone of Vision" would dynamically adjust to the camera's field of view settings and if it could also take into account the vertical view, not just the horizontal.
It seems like this is something that should be part of the Advanced Camera Tools, but in what I've read about them, there doesn't appear to be. Does something like this exist in the ACT plugin that I have missed? Or maybe another existing plugin? If not, could it be created? Would anyone else find something like this useful?
RE: Any model of a carpark?
Did you also search the warehouse for "parking garage?" Based on the previews there were maybe a couple that had the interior modeled. I'm sure you'll need to add details if you plan to render them, but they might get you started.
RE: How to make this?
There was a tutorial in the Organic Modeling subforum about modeling a bedspread with Artisan very recently.
RE: Teaser Trailer
Cool animation. I kept waiting for the gear to move at the end though.
RE: DWG into SU
This is a common clipping issue. It occurs when part of your model is extremely far from the origin. It appears that the main part of your model is at the origin so my guess is that there is a stray line off in space somewhere. Turn on all your layers and hidden geometry. Then zoom extents and make a crossing window in the area beyond your model to try and select/delete it. If your dwg is still a group/component, open the group/component and do the same thing as the stray geometry could be nested.
RE: Exporting to Photoshop
I think it has to be Photoshop Extended for this to work. No wonder this sounded like such a new idea to me.
RE: Exporting to Photoshop
@stilteg said:
Which version of photoshop are you using ? In CS5 you may directly import the 3D model !
Don't mean to hijack KathrynG's thread, but what file format do you use to go directly from SU to PS CS5?
RE: [request] align view perpendicular to section
Right-click on the section plane and select Align View.
RE: [REQ] Aerial Landscape Trees
Search "2D plan trees" in the warehouse. There are around 50 there that look quite similar to what you posted.
Alternatively, do you have the drawing you posted in dwg format? Or could you get it into dwg format using a program like Illustrator, Scan2CAD, etc? If so, you can import that file directly into sketchup (w/ 8 pro or version 6/7 with the proper extensions).
RE: Large Detailed Topo File
Can you eliminate some contours? Try using only the index contours (ie every 5'). If it absolutely has to be accurate to the 1' interval you might need to look at a different program like Simmuterra. You could also try using ThomThom's edge tools to simplify the contours and possibly eliminate some of the triangulated faces. Or use Cpoint Drape to retriangulate if the mesh is too dense. Or block out the detailed detention pond area, complete the rest of your modeling, and bring that area back into the model at the very end.
RE: Topo survey price - is this reasonable?
Todd, that price sounds reasonable to me if they actually have to survey it. I would ask the developer if they already have this data. It may be that they just need to survey the areas that have been disturbed during the road construction and not your entire lot. If they had to survey the whole lot, I'm guessing you might be looking at a two-man crew, 6 hours, $100 per hour, plus a half a day of drafting time is right at $1500. You should ask the surveyor why there is a range in price, and call around for more quotes. It may be that they are hedging in case they run into difficulties getting good shots in and around the pond and ravine. Are there lots of trees on the lot? If there are that can affect their ability to use GPS which is faster than some other methods.
As far as why you need a survey:
-Your architect might request one to set finish floor of the building and plan windows and egress.
-You might be required to have one to get a building permit.
-If you're disturbing more than an acre during construction you might be required to get an NOI storm water permit. This may be covered by the developer as part of the subdivision, but you may have to get your own for your lot. Typically this permit requires a grading plan which cannot be done accurately without a topo survey.
-You will eventually need some kind of topo information for your landscape architect/designer to do their work. They may be able to take their own field measurements, but if I were doing the design, I would want a survey.
-It's better safe than sorry IMO. When you're dealing with drainage, a desire to maximize views, and minimize disturbance of natural systems, a survey is good insurance.I've not heard the term terrain resistance, but based on what Juan described I think this information would be part of a geotechnical engineering report, not a survey.
RE: Random rotate on different axis
If you set the component axis to the center of the square and run Chris' scale and rotate multiple script, it works fine for me. Scale and Rotate randomly about the Comp. Base. Or leave the axis on a corner and scale and rotate about Center works for me too.
RE: Auntie Em Auntie Em!
A tornado hit my town and destroyed a couple dozen homes while I played ping pong the first night of 3D Basecamp 2008. Fortunately, no one was hurt in that storm. I hope you and others in your city are so fortunate. Keep us posted if you are able.
RE: [Plugin] Recurve
Awesome. I didn't know about that plugin. Probably would have saved me hours last week.
RE: [Plugin] Recurve
This looks useful. Is it possible to add a feature to set the direction of the curve? This would have great application for Sketchy Physics which is often confused by the proper start and end of a curve.