My first website
Finally got to do my first website for a friend.
I used Rapidweaver on the mac which I cant recommend enough as it makes the still rather complex process of web building very easy.
The site is responsive so it automatically adjusts to suit different devices (desktop/iPad/iPhone etc.) You can see this if you narrow your browser window with the site open.David Maxwell Architects | Home
Commercial and residential architects in Northern Ireland with offices in Belfast and Newry. Providing a wide experience & extensive range of services
David Maxwell Architects (
What do you think?
Are they all from Sketchup & V-Ray? Looks very great!
And of course the website.... -
I only worked on one of the models, all the rest are David Maxwells own work.
The one rendered one is mine using Twilight. -
Very nice... I like it. very fluid page changes.
well done, paul. some time ago I was looking for some mac app to create my own site and found freeway. have you tried that one?
Nicely done Paul, congratulations. The site flows well and has a nice look.
Hey Paul - I've got a 27" monitor (2650 x 1440) and all the content is pushed way to the left. I've only seen a few sites do this and being mostly clear text it make it rather difficult for my crap eyes to read without turning the monitor!
Looks really good. I think on the Services page you mean "quality surveyors..." though, not "quantity".
Thats a 'feature' or I should say a result of the responsive design, I have the same 27" at home but as I almost never run my browser at full screen I never really though of it
There's nothing I can do to centre it with this particular rapidweaver theme but in Chrome if you hold down Ctrl and hit the '+' key it will zoom in. I assume the same is true for Firefox/Safari etc. Ctrl '-' zooms out and Ctrl '0' resets the zoom. Chrome remembers this so you can have different zooms on different sites.In case anyone's interested this is the theme I used. Have a look at some of the pages to see some of the variations that can be achieved.
I'm itching to have a go at another one just to try this theme, It looks fantastic
Nope, Its Quantity Surveyors. I don't know what you call them in the US but they essentially cost the job (Time/Materials etc) -
Interesting. I thought he could recommend some good "quality" surveyors, engineers, and landscape architects. Ha! I looked up quantity surveyor, and I think the equivalent title I've heard is "estimator." The specifics and scope of the job description may differ slightly, but I imagine it's similar. Learn something new every day.
Wow Paul that Boreal template is NICE!
Richard, that's what I thought.
How about this one from the same guy, it would require a picture heavy site but damn, you'd have to really do something bad to make anything wrapped in this look ugly -
Yeah see what you mean there mate and it really does work as the browser squeezes! Love it - I like that darn photo he has too! Mate have you tried SquareSpace as an option rather than all the hard yards?
This looks very good and I do not have problem of viewing it on 27" screen. How hard/easy was it to make. I am in need to set up my own site and really can't make decision which way to go. How about hosting it? Did you have problem to load up with your host provider? Any particular problems , please do share. -
I used Rapidwaver (Mac only) and the Stacks extension, this makes it a simple case of drag and drop when building a website.
For example I can drag a Text stack onto a page and I get a paragraph of text, I can drag a 2 column stack and a text stack into each column and hey presto you have 2 columns of text.
Text, Images, effects, backgrounds are all stacks dragged onto the page(s)
Saddly everything comes at a cost, 90% of the available stacks cost money, some are only $2 others are $10. Here's a link to Doobox, one of many stacks developers, to give you an idea of what's available.Themes are the same, Rapidweaver comes with a basic set but for anything impressive you need to splash some cash, again they range in price from $10 to $40, the nice thing is you can change a theme at any time and use the same theme on many site at they are highly customisable.
It would take me about 1/2 hour to change the entire look of the site I've just done, 90% of that time would be undoing some of the theme specific customisation I've done.I used HostPapa to host the site, BlueHost are also meant to be good. Free unlimited Email, Domain registration etc etc.
Hey Paul! I found this from a post on the PPB:
Brilliant in browser tool for viewing your website in different browser sizes and portable devices!!! It's unreal!!
I'd suggest you check it out!
Wow, that's truly useful, thanks for the link.