I would really appreciate the help from you. I couldn't find the answer for this and maybe it is just designed that way. The problem concerns the scale of the imported vrmats. Since I was doing architectural vizualisations in vray it didn't bother me because whenever I import material, for example brick ( looked like a proportion of 25cm x 6cm x 12cm brick ) that is already prepared by ex. chaos group, and it was offscale I just rescaled it to achieve proper dimensions.
Now I have a task to prepare our own base of materials in the office. And they have to be in scale already. So, when I load our material, and click apply, it should be in scale in the scene. (ps.we are working in metric system, centimeters).
I create a scene, Model info -> Decimal -> Centimeters. Create my desired material ( let's stick to the brick: 25cm x 6cm x 12cm ), scaling, creating textures, setting all parameters. Checking with tape measure if the scale is correct again. Everything seems fine. I pack material and save it. (I try to make textures in 1200x1200).
When I load material in a fresh scene, with Centimeters, material is rescaled. In paint bucket menu texture size is 25,40cm x 25,40cm ( I know the inch issue, and all parameters in vray are in inches ). Do all new imported vrmats materials have that size? I remembered that this material looked good when it was 80cm x 80cm. Why vray is not remembering that? My boss thinks that I'm an idiot that it should be a basic function program, maybe I am, but I don't know how to do it
Thank you in advance.