I do enjoy making weapons, but the mod specifically requires guns so I have no choice really
RE: Sketchup in games
Sketchup in games
Ok, think it's a first, getting sketchup into 3ds max and smoothening for a first person shooter. I know that sketchup has been used before for games, but to my knowledge its only low detail props and buildings. Basically I have made some models for a game, and finally pulled my finger out and started to use 3ds max.
Desert Eagle, 5k polys
Kar98k mauser 7.3k polys
M9 5.3k polys
Browning 9mm (for an online source engine film) 4.9k polys
Just them UV mapped in max now
RE: Quick and Dirty - new stuff
HAHA! brilliant, almost photographics really good.
RE: Kar98k for competition
I have animated it with iClone , its just a rough idea as to how it works. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HV1QyEJt4t4
Kar98k for competition
The german Kar98k (k = kurz, german for short). German infantry rifle used during ww2. Made for 3D challenge #089 (rifle)
Took a long time, and is avaliable on the warehouse. Has full moving parts, trigger moves, bolt retracts, safety moves and has a rifled barrel. 26k poly - the image says it all
(kerkythea render)
RE: Growing a plan
wow very nice - done a fair bit of work in the trade ( all manual labour - unfortunately)
RE: Some SU guns
sketchup has been used in game before, but i am certain that 99% of all games dev with sketchup is for a building or something really easy to model or something that doesnt involve a great deal of accuracy. Unfortunately FPS games do. The weapons I make are pretty difficult, the only tool i use are line/pull/circle/scale None of this follow me tool etc - I am self taguht and im using which method is easiest for me. As for the exportation into source, its easy, my friend has a plug in which exports directly into .3ds, remembering geometry and most importantly removing the back faces. Then its just a question of texturing and then exporting into steam as you would any other source model. only thing i need to remember is keeping the poly count below 8k - hehe its difficult! my average poly count is 40k - my highest was 197k.
Here is a very very earlier screenie of it in the engine ( ignore the texure, we dont have any map on the model as yet) http://volcol.deviantart.com/art/L1A1-Sketchup-in-game-126811494
I have been searching frantically and i am pretty sure its the first use of a Sketchup first person shooter
RE: Some SU guns
Ouch - this took a while, its avaliable on the warehouse. A good few days works - maybe 8 hours on and off and those a CGtextures.
I present the M1 Thompson! this is the earlier version with a 20rnd mag, i am still working on the drum magazine. All componentised so if its suppossed to move or detach- odds are it does.
21k polys
Hope you like =D i am working on some renders at the moment
RE: Barn
Very nice =D just what sketchup was made for in my opinion - though, i havent made many buildings my self ( I make weapons for games with SU) I have however modelled a few lately
RE: Sword and shield
Its ok, yeah there some issues with the scale but the colours are nice
RE: Sketchup Mod For HL2
Ok, the Lee Enfield rifle is complete (cheers!) 5 and a half gruelling hours.
RE: Sketchup Mod For HL2
Here Here solo, they still dont believe I am self taught, and that theyre sketchup models - a testiment to the software
RE: Sketchup Mod For HL2
Source is really quite powerful. the Max for the source engine ( to ensure speed and quality) is arround 8k max. Producing the mod with sketchup can show off sketchup more than a render - from who I talk to, its regarded as a piece of junk. i hope to proove thats not the case!
RE: Some SU guns
Well, mostly just to share on the 3D warehouse. my second priority is making the models, and then making them avaliable as props for iClone (recently made 2 WW2 weapons packs for them - am working on modern weapons as we speak) , thridly - very spontaneously, Game Mods. Just perfected the art of placing Sketchup models in the source engine (well my co-modder did), we will created the game mod with 95% sketchup models (all by myself). I think it might be the first time a Sketchup model has been used in a first person shooter, im pretty sure its all done with 3DS and Maya, but we managed it (now gotta texture it) http://volcol.deviantart.com/art/L1A1-Sketchup-in-game-126811494
Some SU guns
Some weapons I have modelled, mostly from 1939-1945 avaliable on the warehouse. ( the lee enfield will be put into a HL2 mod I am working on)
RE: Render application Home pages
I wouldnt neccessarily say that iClone is a rendering program. Its a 3D animation program, I know because I make props for their movies (with sketchup). Here is one of my own short animations http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbmAvdIATiE (sketchup model).
Its useful (ish) as a rendering software though the results tend to vary.