Thanks all for your suggestions. To answer the suggestions:
- I clean up all imported CAD parts and redraw the majority using SU tools, especially any curves/circles.
- I almost never use more than 24 sides for a circle and corresponding portions of 24 for arcs.
- I use components extensively. The more I use SU the more organized I have become about this, although I still have a ways to go.
- 99% of everything in our organs is symmetrical so I use components that are mirrored.
- I never use shadows - it is a sure way to bring the program to its knees.
- There is only a single texture for flooring; everything else is a solid color.
- In almost every instance the center of the model is 0/0/0
- I just tried TIGs XREF plugin and will check this out further, although it does not reduce the file size, and yes I realize I can work on portions of the main drawing this way.
- I am always using the most recent versions of software and OS.
Even with the size of the file, there is rarely an instance where I get wire frames when redrawing, and this is usually after a massive edit and is only temporary.
I know I can break the model into various pieces, for instance the building but this is less than 5% of the file. I love using SU and it is only recently that I ran into this problem. The rest of the model is integral to the whole and I wind up zooming in and out of the whole thing constantly. Fortunately, I am less than 10% away from completing the project, but I have a larger one coming up soon.
The real question remains is there an internal hard limit on the number of line/faces/etc.?
ps Greetings fellow PCAD use pbacot! At least 90% of every day is spent between PCAD and SU - if only there were an easy way to exchange drawings.