Thank you very much!
RE: Export selected groups into individual OBJ automatically?
Export selected groups into individual OBJ automatically?
So I am done with a project and I want to export each group as an individual OBJ file.
And there is a ton of them! Its a pain to select each group and do the File>Export>3d Model>(input filename).
Is there a plugin out there that all I need to do is to select them all, run the plugin and it will save each group as an individual OBJ file with numbers like OBJfile001, OBJfile002...etc?
Convert component to group?
I made a model and imported it to another existing project.
When I made a copy of it, I realized that the copy is a component which the copies change according to the changes done on the others.
This is not what I intended to do. I guess I had a mistake. I want to make the copies into a plain and simple groups that will not be effected when I change the rest.
Is there a way to convert the components into simple groups?
[Solved]Why cant I export materials while a simple cube can?
If I just create a simple cube and put a different color for each face and export as an OBJ, the exported model contains all of the 6 materials as you can see below.
Now if I create a complicated model. The materials exported is only one!
I need to export all of the materials I made, is there something missing or this is a limitation in SU?
RE: Remove Coplanar faces when exported to .dae?
@mitcorb said:
Does Meshlab do anything for this?
I just downloaded Meshlab. I am unfamiliar on how to use it. Can you give me a newbie instruction?
Remove Coplanar faces when exported to .dae?
I just started using Sketchup 8.0 Free edition and exported what I created in a .dae extension.
I imported it into a 3d hobbyist software called Poser which can import collada files.
It went smoothly when I realized after rendering that all the model's faces are coplanar faces.
This means it will be hell to create a UV map of this thing and the file larger than it should be. Is there a much faster way to remove coplanar faces other than exporting it to a different 3d modeling software and delete each coplanar face individually?