i also notice, that when i rotate the drawn curves, there not really connected, they look connected when first drawn, but unlike a box that you can rotate, these curves aren't in a true 3d space? i think thats my problem. trying to understand how to draw curves in a 3d way. is this this even possible in sketchup?
RE: Im having problems sealing bezier curves?
Im having problems sealing bezier curves?
hi. i cant figure out how to seal/heal? curves i make with the bezier plugin. for example. i add a bezier plugin, then i draw a curve, then i connect or overlap/loop the the curves but they don't seal up? i must be doing something wrong?
Plugin question. updating plugins.
hi i downloaded a plugin today from smustard. it was called 'offset' script/plugin i don't really the difference yet? anyway, the file was called 'offset' and when i installed the offset file, after i was done adding all the smustard files that i had downloaded, i got a message, 'do you want to replace offset file 4.16kb with this one 6.92kbs? what does this mean? is the 4.16kb file a pre sketchup 6 file and the 6.92kb the latest version for 6?
RE: Should i go pro?
do you think sketchup pro will be discontinued at v7 and made free to compete with microsofts buy out of caligari truespace?
Ruby scripts that only work with the pro version?
do some ruby scripts only work with the pro version? like i was thinking about buying smustards subdivide and smooth. does that work with the free version of sketchup?
Should i go pro?
hi everyone, should i go the pro route? this is the problem though, i have no use for the export and layout functions. and i don't want to spend 495.00 for a three letter initial. maybe when sketchup pro v7 comes out it will offer something for artists and not just for architects?
RE: Photo matching question?
just learned something. if you clcik the picture box, after it gets all distorted, it will reset itself
well the out of shape problem is solved.
RE: How do i delete components?
@gaieus said:
Notice that the component browser serves two purposes: you can access different pre-installed components in your component libraries and you can manage the components you are using in your current model (this is the "in model" folder in the browser).
Now if you have unused (and unwanted) components in your model, you can "purge" them by accesing a flyout menu by clicking on the small,blue arrow next to the pulldown menu in the browser.
Actually you can also do this with layers,materials and styles or do everything at once from the Window > model info > statistics > purge all command.
yup i got it thanx guys
Photo matching question?
hi i have a question about sketchups photo matching feature. im trying to trace over a picture of a stealth bomber. ive added the pic through camera, then i trance the outline, now my my question is, do i have to leave the view as 2d perspective? if i try to make it a 3d perspective, or rotate the camera, the outline gets all distorted and weird looking/out of form. so common sense tells me that i need to keep the shape/outline in the 2d realm, and instead or adding all the 3d through the 2d outline, i need to just create a basic 2d shape and turn it into a 3d form by push pull?
How do i delete components?
from the components box? another question, how come when i click new project, the components that used to be shown, disappear? where do they go?
RE: Do i want to invest my time into learning sketchup?
@edson said:
one important thing about SUp: the amount of information available on the internet is enormous (videos, tutorials, forums, etc) which means that any doubts can be solved very quickly. i would definitely go for it.
EXACTLY. this is why ive decided that sketchup is the program for me. the program im going to invest my time in, and learn, and get good at all the other 3d modeling apps had horrible documentation
sketchup rules
Layers and grouping question?
hi. im just learning how to use styles, groups and components, and ive come across a problem. i have two groups, on two different layers, im trying to create a third layer/third group, but i since the groups are er grouped, when i try to edit the third layer, theirs no more green inference vertexes? they disappear? leaving only pink vertexes. these pink vertexes cant be precisely connected, so i end up with a lot of un sealed shapes. shapes i cant seal. to make matters worse, i cant figure out how to edit two layers that are grouped because once i try to add more shapes to the newly added third layer, i end up, editing all three layers
RE: Grouping problem.
does paste in place only paste single boxes? can it not paste in place boxes that are connected?
Grouping problem.
im having a problem with grouping. im trying to create a futuristic spaceship, i select all, then make group. then its time to mirror the image, so i next click, paste in place, but here the problem, once i clcik paste in place, the second part of the shuttle, the cockpit, which is attached to the boody and protrudes out from the shuttle, isn't included when i paste in place, just the body, i even selected lock, still its excluded. im stumped... also is there a group matrix? that lists all your groups that you can switch to each group through using the matrix? thanx sketchers.
RE: A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
@chris fullmer said:
Welcome, and one way to do that is to make the one block. THen select it all and turn it into a component. Then copy and paste the component (or I would use the move tool and hold down ctrl (on a PC)). Move+ctrl = move a copy. So this would would move a copy of the component over to where I want it. Then with the copy of the component, I would select it and activate the scale tool and scale it to negative 1 along the same axis I moved it. So if I moved the copy along the red axis, I would then scale the copy to -1 along the red axis too.
So now I would edit one of the components and it will change both components equally, but mirrored towards eachother, thus giving you the symmetry you need.
It sounds much more complicated than it actually is. I can put together a quick tutorial if my vague instructions don't help, or there probably is one already in the tutorials section on the forum. At any rate, have fun with SketchUp!
oh, I forgot to mention that you can not push/pull 2 faces simultaneously in SketchUp, though I think there might be an additional script you can download and install that will give you this functionality. Someone else will have to provide a link to this though.
just figured this out
RE: Is there a free plugin like smustards subdivide and smooth?
@remus said:
Just did a quick test on my machine, i forgot that the script doesnt delete the original geometry, so what your seeing is just the new shape poking out from inside the old geometry. Delete the original shape and youll be left with your subdivided shape.