@synchronicity said:
@gábor said:
@derei said:
I would like to focus on exploring what was fixed/added/changed, so I can give a solid feedback.
Thank you very much for beta testing Wrap-R. The following major changes and fixes are in this new version:
- The main new functionality is the ability of switching off/on live unwrapping. It makes manual UV editing easier in many cases (e.g. straightening seams, etc.).
- Now we have informative new cursors for some UV editing functions (moving, rotating, scaling, selecting).
- Some SketchUp texture images were displayed skewed in previous versions, it is fixed now.
- Some problems with license activation were fixed both on client side and server-side.
- Some cases of crashing were also fixed (E.g. Wrap-R sometimes crashed after opening a new .skp immediately after opening an other one, etc.).
- Problem with changed mouse primary button was fixed.
- Fixed installation problems with missing .dll files.
- Improved version of Ruby plugin installer.
- Added some new error and warning messages (e.g. for incompatible texture images)
- And many small fixes as reaction to individual cases of errors what were effecting only 1-2 users.
These are the main changes/fixes what came to my mind. Maybe Rich will have some additions to this list later...Hi there
Great work by you and Rich on this plugin, just... *EDIT; no worries I just managed to get a new license extension by signing up through the site again, cheers!
Many thanks