Hi all, cheers and many thanks for your replies. I suppose I did not add too much info on what the picture was lol, what is it ?, ahh its a fantasy vehicle flying on patrol, no wings required as the 2 side pods are anti grav engines, kinda like the ones seen in star trek (yep that old chestnut ). I had no intentions on it looking like a lego toy but interesting view to consider and improve upon lol. When I rendered it in Kerkythea I just used the available materials, so yes It does look a whole lot shiny and too new, I hope I can age it a little without doing any damage to the picture, I tried photo shop (very new to that as well)to make some exhaust flare and lighting, results were less than desired lol, if I manage to get something decent completed I hope to submitt it again for feedback.
I think baby steps are the way to go for me, I just discovered Sketchup and the wondeful world of 3d drawing April this year, very nooobish, so until I have something more decent to show, I wont stalk anymore, thanks heaps for your advice, this forum is fantastic.
Oh Solo, I checked out you site, the Nagrall recorder is ... well... simply wondeful mate, if you did that in Sketchup and just rendered it, no other post production,that is where I want to be one day.
Cheers all Ray