Sorry guys....
I'm a little bit new with sketchup plugin and ruby script....
I can't understand how I can install this tool..
Could someone help me?
many thanks,
Sorry guys....
I'm a little bit new with sketchup plugin and ruby script....
I can't understand how I can install this tool..
Could someone help me?
many thanks,
Hi daniel S,
Have you got any idea about when it will be possible to see and buy SU7?
Hi Dave,
I have seen the tutorial!I think it is very useful especially if we don't find a solution for the "double-follow me".
Thank you very much!
I think in the future someone will do a script about it, also because it could be solve many and many problems.
I think I have the same request of Matte.
I was playing with Rhinoceros and I have seen the tool "sweep 2 rails", so basically you have a generic curve and two path. By this tool,at the end, you will have a surface starting from the curve and following the two rails.
I'm playing with sketchup because I usually work with it, but I can't find a solution for this problem.
Has anyone a tip?
thank you,
I have the same problem.
I can't understand how I can use .vismat files.
I explain my steps and my problem:
i don't think it is the best way.
it is too weird.
I have read also that when you link the material in vray material editor (my step 6) then right click on the linked material, "import" and there you can put the .vismat file.
I have tried but I see everything grey.
any idea to help me??
thank you very much.
sto cominciando a seguire dei tutorial su youtube...
e' divertente!
avrei una domanda:
ho installato il programma e vedo le barre con gli strumenti.
provo col tutorial della "porta" e tutto ok, cosi come per l'automobile.
e' normale che quando io usi i comandi appaia in alto a sinistra della finestra di sketchup la scritta "equires for SketchyPhysics2b1" ?
e poi...quando faccio partire l'animazione mi appare una finestra blu (che ho visto dovrebbe essere per regolare dei parametri) ma e' completamente blu e e nn posso modificare nulla...
qualcuno ha idea di cosa succede?
Ciao a tutti,
sono nuovo di questo forum.
Volevo chiedere se qulacuno degli utenti usa SketchyPhysics.
io sono all eprime armi e vorrei qualche consiglio.
ciao a tutti.