I am using Mac and it sounds that it doesn't work...
Any another feedback?
I am using Mac and it sounds that it doesn't work...
Any another feedback?
It seems that the plugin doesn't work with Mac.
Am I wrong?
I have just downloaded!
It is time to play now!
Thank you very much!
I have followed the discussion but I have still problems with the icons and tools using the Bezier curve.
Could anyone explain me which are the right steps?
I have seen Fredo released a new .rb file called beziermain.rb but also overwriting that in the old folder BezierSpline1.3 I still don't see all the tools.
Thank you TIG.
I have tried and it works.
I have just tried the plugin about Helix and it works perfectly!.
So I want to thank you, guys, for the script and the info.
Then I have a question:
I would like draw my helix/spiral giving the radius and the pitch information but I would like to decide the height of the spiral.
For example
In the image I have a fixed height 11590mm and in the whole height I have to build my helix. I have tried with some parameters in terms of radius and pitch (the radius is fixed as well) but it is smaller.
Any tips?
Job done!
Thank you!
Quick and without problems!
I have tried to download the plugin "curvemaker" from the website but the website doesn't work. Any info about that?
I think that could be a good plugin.
thanks a lot!
Thank you very much Pilou!
Job Done!
I needed so much that script working well because i need to create something like that:
I have seen something similar in this topic.
I need 2 different spiral curve and then a surface that run through the 2 spirals.
Any tips?
I am still trying...but not results...
When i try to select a simple line rather than a curve (just the first step before the selection of the 2 rails), it is impossible to select anything, but if i draw a curve it wors immediately.
It looks like strange!
I is a stupid error by me!
I have missed the website for a bit and I see this wonderful plugin!
I was waiting for that since long time....for many shapes i was still using rhino's tool:sweep2rails.
I am going to play with that but I want to ask:
I create due rails e my curve profile and it works well, but if I would like just a line rather than a looks like an error.
Sorry probably i have to read better, anyone has a simple answer?
thank you.
Hi Jim,
Thank you for your answer.
I can see in my plugin menu.
when I insert the number in "lenght, amplitude and segment" I have the same straight line beginning from the centre....
I don't know...
Probably I have to play more with it.
secondo me una cosa utilissima sarebbe avere il "follow me" ma seguendo due curve...un po come il "sweep 2 rails" di rhinoceros.
che ne pensate?
Hi Jim,
How can I use this plugin?
I have installed it and I can see it in my plugin folder.
Could you give me some tips?
sorry....I'm a little bit new of sketchup.
Ciao Giulio.
Scusa per il ritardo della mia risposta ma ho avuto problemi con il log-in nel sito.
ti ringrazio per le tue spiegazioni.
Piano piano mi sto impratichendo e diciamo che qualcosa di buono l'ho tolta fuori!
Grazie ancora.
Thank you very much for your help!!
the script is very helpful!
Very good job!
Hi Remus!
Thank for your tip!
I tried it and now it works properly!
For sure it was my mistake in terms of name....anyway...
Now I start to play with seems like follow there any chance to have different radius of different section of the same pipe?
Hi Juju,
I'm using Windows Xp.
I didn't get any problems with plugins and .rb files before.
I think it is really weird.
There are not many things to
if someone find out something let me know!
Hi Gaieus,
Thnak you very much for your answer.
I got a problem.
I get copy and paste in a notepad and then save it with the name "tubealongpath.rb" in the plugin folder (so i can see a txt file with that name) but also after a restart I cannot see anything in the plugin menu...
have you got any idea about the mistake?
Hi Remus!
Thank you for your answer.....
usually I download a file (with .rb file) and I put in plugin folder....(as you told me!)
I don't understand when you say "You need to download the file form the link in the OP"
Is there a link where I can download the file?
(I can find just the script text and I'm not able to use it)
Probably it is a silly request...I know, I'm very new of sketcup's plugins!...sorry!
Could someone help me?...Thanks!