awesome explanations nomer. Cant thank you enough. I figured the UV tiling would be the answer to scaling...I asked because I am not a huge fan of adjusting based on the UV tiling because there does not seem to be any real units that relate and it becomes a guessing game in a way. I guess I am used to the control you get in SU (suprised I am saying that considering how few options you have when it comes to mapping in SU). Thanks again for your work will really help many people.
RE: Sketchup+VrayMax
RE: Sketchup+VrayMax
Awesome exlanation Nomer. I have one more question though, what happens of the scale of a new bitmap is different than the scale of the one you are replacing? How do you work with that? because many times I am asked to change from, for example, one brick to a completely different kind of brick and my original material images are different sizes with different repeats.
RE: Sketchup+VrayMax
Nomer... this is great to know that you are having success with this. Over on that asgvis thread I had mentioned previously I had started to talk about doing materials in max instead of importing them. I would love to be able to import all of my SU materials like you are, but I worry about all the materials that I use as imports that are unrelated to SU materials. For example, I always use imported glass, chrome, and other materials like that and honestly there is a much larger online library of free "v-ray for max" materials that I would like to use. How do you handle stuff like that? Do you ever import materials in vray for max, or do you always create your own?
RE: VRay for SketchUp Help
Also you can do displacement for the water, but I would recommend using a bump map instead. Its easier to use and utilizes less time for your renderings.
RE: Shorter scene transitions?
I just checked and it appears to be able to simulate a camera movement similar to what I am asking. I am going to see how it works with V-ray. Chris, I am wondering about this because in order to use the vray spawner, you need to use a work around and I am trying to completely avoid the scene transitions that causes the dreaded jerky SU camera movements. That leaves me with only 100 scenes to work with for the parts in my animation and results in 3 second segments that are just too quick for an entire animation. I use post processing to help lengthen some of these things, but being able to set a number higher than 100 would be great because it would give me more frames to work with.
RE: Shorter scene transitions?
Does this ruby happen to allow you to extend the scene tranistions past the default max value of 100?
RE: For Max users
thanks for the info freeagent...this should certainly help things
RE: Sketchup+VrayMax
Great work Nomer. I am currently working on a model to render in max, and seeing your images is inspiring me...your making it look it easy. I hope I find the process as easy as you have been saying.
RE: Hall - conceptual
great image. The mood is really brought out. U mentioned the evermotion vegetation...I am assuming u did not even attempt using them withing SU..correct? If so, how did SU handle them? Again, Great work
RE: V-Ray Views From Above
they are called "smart trees" and you should be able to find them in the warehouse. I am struggling to find the link, so if anyone has it available, please post. I will keep looking and update
RE: V-Ray Views From Above
Thanks for the feedback guys. The parking lot material definately needs less of a reflection. I wanted to make it more gritty/realistic but the project was rushed and leaving it as a simple grey material was just too flat so I added a little bit of reflection. But it is definately too much and inacurate. And I dont know what is going on with the stretching of the one image...I didnt notice it at first but the more and more I look at it, the more I notice. I will try and fix that.
V-Ray Views From Above
Here are some renderings I just recently finished up. The building and site did not necessarily give much to work with so I tried to make these renderings as interesting as possible by getting some site views. It is actually kind of fun sometimes, because I see it as a challenge to make something as simple as this site into an appealing rendering. They could still use some work, but I hope you all like them for what they are.
RE: Interior project in Saigon
very nice renderings you got here. I really like the rug material
RE: Recent Work and the Dreaded Night Shot :::
another stunning group of images free. The models and renderings are impressive in their own right, but what you do with your images in post production is stunning. Keep up the great work.
RE: "Villa for Two" v-ray renderings
very nice...i like the first one the best because it is the most convincing to me
RE: DWanimations new work
This is a very nice image. The sky does not necessarily seem to fit, as far as photorealism, but I still like it. So I guess it is a preference as to wether or not you change it. Good work though
RE: Random renders (updated)
These are awesome pete. Ur work is making me more and more interested in VUE. It is outstanding
RE: Growing a plan
Very cool Pete & highly original. These are some of the, for lack of a better word, funnest renderings I have seen. They have great quality, but the whole concpet and the way they are put together just entertain the viewer so much. Great job
RE: Sketchup+VrayMax
Good rendering nomer...I dont know if this thread will help, but just a few days ago, I started one to talk about the workflow of SU to 3ds max and maybe you could insert some knowledge on the topic because u seem to have had some good success so far.