Yes, Follow me. I made that video sorry, it was not really meant for a tutorial but a demonstration how quickly it can be done (someone said it's a nightmare to make a sphere so I had to show it's not).
Some explanation for the steps:
As you can see, depending on the view and position, the circle tool is either blue or green - i.e. is drawn on the horizontal or a vertical plane.
You must make sure to draw the second circle exactly above the other - thus that movement to the origin to inference with it and then SU gives the tooltip "on blue axis" afterwards when I select the origin of the second circle.
(If you do not do this precisely, you may end up with a doughnut shape rather than a sphere - which is also cool but not the result we want here))
Then use the select tool and click on the base circle to establish its perimeters as the path for the follow me tool
Finally select the Follow me tool and click on the second circle.
Sometimes it's inside out - i.e. the blue back face is outside - right click and "Reverse faces"
I use shortcuts for these tools - therefore the "quick" video - the default for the select tool is the space bar button - and I think there is no default for the Follow me tool so I have a custom shortcut: the F key (which is originally the Offset tool but I set that to the O key and the Orbit tool which would be the O now does not have a shortcut...)