too slow on my machine for any real use... it should be instant. perhaps graphics card?
RE: AmbientOcclusion for SketchUp released
RE: PushPull++ 170% faster than SketchUp
Sketchup needs to adopt these features... I hope there will be a competitor as soon as possible. From what I gather with these videos, the application he has developed is better than sketchup and it makes sense!
Vote for Corona Renderer
Yo fellow sketchup-pers,
Head over to Corona Forum and vote for Sketchup development with the Corona engine...,238.0.html
Corona is revolutionary and VRAY makers are shivering in their boots as most of the super photorealism professional artists like Peter Guthrie, Bertrand Benoit are moving over... Corona is known for the extreme ease of use as compared to the useless, redundant and mostly cryptic settings of VRAY, is CPU based non-biased with highly efficient algorithms running the show.
If you want to see the power and super speed of Corona - check out this video. You WILL be BLOWN AWAY.
RE: Corona render test
thanks novena, yes, unfortunately I have to go the blender route as well at the moment. I wish I didn't as I really am put off by blender's interface, but the good news is that it is likely this summer they are beginning work on the Sketchup Plugin for Corona. This will shake things up a bit!
RE: Corona render test
thanks bryan, yes, not bad for a 3min render. I am a hopelessly impatient person. Waiting for renders and painstaking modelling something for days on end is not my forte. Need super quick results and super excellent without too much of a hassle tweaking materials and settings. I believe with Corona we are reaching that benchmark soon! Here's with a 1min photoshop post process...
Corona render test
Sketchup to Corona standalone
render time : 3mins - on 2.3Ghz Intel i5 Core, 64Bit, 16MB RAM
I am not a rendering expert, and do not have the time to fiddle with the settings, so this is a straight output from default settings. Straight output, no post production as well.
(apologies if I have placed this in the wrong forum room!)
RE: Silly Season....
Great card! Love your work... pity about the lack of real snow where you are! you could still take a trip down to Albany where it's a bit cooler.
RE: Tudor Village
Hey solo, great atmospheric render! - is this Vue 7? Have you upgraded so far? What are the differences between 6 and 7 - any easier to operate?
RE: Model from sketch with sketchUp and render ;)
I like your sketch better!... the scale and it's quality got lost in the modelling. Maybe your camera angle and zoom should follow the sketch.
RE: Terrain renders
great stuff! Would be more realistic when you see a car's dash, seat and roof frame in the foreground with the shot?
RE: Small House 80m2 , WIP
That's a nice house. I would love to own one of those.
This is my 80sqm apartment, I used to live here... now I live in a 8sqm bedroom.
RE: Just Nature !
truly mind blowing! did you do this on a renderfarm or single pc?
RE: Making Cartoon characters
AMAZING stuff... you are the Sketchup Master!!! I've never seen anyone else pull this off!
RE: Lighting Plugin for Sketchup
Thanks Adam for what looks like the future of Sketchup!
However, I'm can't get past this step... my setup, old iBook G4, OSX 10.3.9, sketchup ver5.
You'll think it'll run?
Thanks a million!
RE: Playtime
nice? these are all podium? the silver surfer looks pretty high poly indeed!
RE: Fry- Indigo- Vray- Kerkythea- Maxwell- Podium (added page2)
Pardon me kwistenbiebel, but how does it work that the handrails can get left out during export to KT? are they on a different layer?
To me, they're all nice, all good enough to eat! -
RE: Real estate work
mateo, I don't understand exactly what you do... are you creating renders of an existing home, or are you rendering what what designed by a real estate agent to sell a brand new home to the public?
Anyhow, they are nice renders but very inappropriate design.
check out why I mean so...