Any chance you can share your tablet specs Matt? I've been looking for one with good SU capabilities for some time now!
Any chance you can share your tablet specs Matt? I've been looking for one with good SU capabilities for some time now!
Allright..startin off the new year neck deep in DC's!! Heres a question in line with copying subcomponents within a DC using this fence model... Is there a way to user-define different types of "pickets" within a DC using the component options dialog? Hidden layers? How does the component options "pick" them or switch their layer "on".
Any Help is Greatly Appreciated.
Anyone know how to sort the Subcomponent list? It sucks when you have repeating SC's that are not next to eachother in the list.
If they arent yet.....geometry and algebra teachers should be using this tool NOW! SU will bring soooo many visual learners into an appreciation for mathmatics. You teach well Chris. Thanks.
OK Chris,
I was able to follow the example in the User Manual regarding the DC Picket Fence. The part I don't understand is the "==5+COPY*(Fence!Spacing+LenX). I read the above posts about the "Copy" variable...but what is the "5" for? Also, where do we find a list of the predefined variables such as "Copy".
Thanks for the guidance,
Man, the user guide is great tool. It was kind of hard to find (typing in "Sketchup 7 User Guide" into Google showed no direct links!). I'll study up.
Hey there,
I've been looking up examples to no avail. I'm trying to understand the logic of ....this 3-D Excel...challenging. Anyway, I'm making something like a dynamic fence. I would like the "top" to copy with a user defined space in between as I scale the entire table. The legs should scale with the component. Can it scale and copy in both the x and y directions? If you could give me some pointers i'd really appreciate it.
Has anyone else had problems with the following rubies? I copied them to my SU7 Plugins folder, then upon opening, everything was a splat!
Problem rubies (at least for me)
Podium (had to re-install, now everything works with Podium)
Sketchy Physics
TTimeedit (by TBD)
Thanks Chris,
I was on that path already. Problem rubies (at least for me)
Sketchy Physics
TTimeedit (by TBD)
I just spent hours organizing and loading my components, materials and rubies into SU7. Now, when ever I open it, it bugsplats... any ideas?