I'm having trouble reconciling the observations reported here, and I think there's a clue to be derived. The error message lists the entire URL, including the "skp:callback@" part. Normally, that prefix is stripped off by WebDialog and whatever follows @ is passed to the Ruby callback. Also, TIG has reported that his Ruby callback does not get invoked when this error occurs. None of us has been able to reproduce the error using simple test code.
The fact that the part after @ is an external URL should be completely irrelevant. To WebDialog it is just text. To reiterate: WebDialog has no business checking or accessing the linked website in these hrefs because it has no reason to assume that Ruby will even attempt to load the webpage in the text. The Ruby might parse the URL to extract other information, might save it for later reference, might use the URL text in another page it constructs... the possibilities other than loading the URL are endless. Likewise, to Mavericks, the part of the URL that matters is the skp: protocol prefix. It uses that to decide what protocol handler should receive the request, and leaves the processing of the URL details to that handler.
So, the problem has to be that for some reason we haven't yet figured out, WebDialog fails while trying to parse the request before handing it to Ruby.. The implication is that in Mavericks, the URL is somehow altered on the way to WebDialog in a way that WebDialog can't unravel. Maybe Mavericks doesn't separate the scheme and path parts correctly and this bombs WebDialog? To answer that, we need input from the Trimble team who know what causes WebDialog to generate this specific error and exactly what it receives from Mavericks vs from other OS's. Could this be a change in character encoding handling? Is something on the SketchThis page (e.g. javascript) altering the URL before it is passed on (so that what we see in the page source isn't what WebDialog actually receives)?