Here is a link to a Reporting Plug-in for SketchUp 2016, but I'm afraid only for Windows.
RE: Reporting plugin
RE: [Plugin] Attribute Reporting extension
@glro said:
You made a lo of work... congratulations; only 2 questions:
in what circumstances would somebody want to edit such reports on paper or equivalent 2d support when all the informations are in the 3D model?
will the users you think about be able to manage such a complex set of dialog boxes to customize the reports?Thanks for the feedback. Often the information available inside the model needs to be used outside of SketchUp. This allows us to make the most of the SketchUp model, reports such as Material Requirements, Part Lists, Estimating Quotes on paper can be helpful in sharing information to other people in the process.
Using a Report designer is not for every user, but the WYSIWYG Designer is similar to many other programs (Crystal Reports, MS Access) and the data schema and report definitions can be designed by one user and shared onto other computers by simply copying the report templates.
Thanks again for the comments...
[Plugin] Attribute Reporting extension
Working on a new extension and would appreciate any ideas or feedback on bugs you find. The extension creates a XML data file of the Components/Groups and their corresponding Attributes. There is also a Report Writer which allows the user to create their own custom reports.
Currently testing on Windows Sketchup 2016 platform. The reporting program may run on Mac OS using the Mono framework, but Mac SketchUp has reduced features for exporting images and the report designer is bugging in the Mono framework. So using the extension on the Mac OS is still TBD.
Link to Download (Windows SketchUp 2016) -
RE: Sketchdata plugin
There is a "big" Webdialog toolbar which really works best in Windows version, but there is also a SketchUp toolbar that works in Windows and/or Mac. It is available from the View=>Toolpalletes.
RE: IDrawnics-piping plugin
Depends on user permissions, the plugin has trouble creating local data files, so some tweaking is needed for 2013. The EXE was created for users back when installing a plugin in SketchUp wasn't so easy. But Ken is right using an EXE is now not a good way to install plugins, the plugin hasn't seen much development since it was originally created for idrawnics, however an update to an .RBZ is overdue. As for the website, that one is out of my hands.
RE: IDrawnics-piping plugin
The extension should be updated to SketchUp 2013 in the next couple weeks.
RE: Sketchdata plugin
The SketchData Toolbar extension/plugin can be uninstalled under "Preferences=>Extensions" in SketchUp, or a new version of the Extension can be downloaded from the website!/page_downloads. Email us at if you have problems.
RE: "best practice" advice for some SU and LO workflows
For me, I do all my dimensions in SUP and all my labels in LO, often designs for me change after I goto LO. So I really need the dimensioning to update automatically, and the SketchUp to Layout link works really "good". Great thing about SketchUp, alot of good ways to do things.
Here is a link to the drawings I create with Layout
RE: "best practice" advice for some SU and LO workflows
I find setting up layers inside SketchUp for the Dimensions works pretty well, for Cabinetry and Millwork. I just put the dims on Layers that match the scene names, and then only turn them on for the correct scene. Layer names like DIM_PLAN, DIM_ELEV1, DIM_ELEV2, DIM_SECT1, DIM_SECT2. That way the dimensions update when I change the model, but the "VPORT" inside LO needs to be in "HYBRID" mode for the dims to display well, which can be slow, so I make that switch at the end right before PDF.
I agree that the Dynamic Components aren't perfect, but they are a great addition for the cabinet mfg. Most cabinet mfg don't want Designers creating a bunch of "custom" cabinets. Using DCs the Designers have some pretty powerful building blocks to create "semi-custom" cabinets, and then of course SketchUp allows them to create the crazy stuff to. Most of the software in the Woodworking industry is just good at drawing cabinets, but not so good at creating the custom stuff, DCs allows SketchUp to do a good job at both.
RE: Hello & SketchData
lauco59...I'm not sure I can help with the "global attributes", that's why we created the update plugins. But if you want to share one of your Dynamic Components, I would be glad look at our plugin and see why it's not updating your DCs?
RE: Dynamic Components Attributes links to a youtube video demonstrating a plugin that changes common DC attributes across multiple DC components at one time, it's about 3 minutes into the video. This plugin was my solution to the attribute levels, and was created to help kitchen Designers to change door styles and/or toekick heights over multiple DC cabinets at one time, maybe this will help?
RE: Dynamic Components
I think you need to adjust the Component Axes for the Door? The RotX,RotY,RotZ will rotate around the XYZ axes. Under Menu item Window --> Model Info --> Components there is a "Show component axes" check box, and if you right-click on a component you have the option to "Change Axes". When I'm defining a cabinet door, the axes of rotation is on the "hinge" side of door. Hope this helps...
RE: Dynamic Component (a metalic drawer)
Looks good, I think you're understanding DCs.
Can I ask if you did your attribute "Display Values" in "English"? I noticed some other language on some of the component names. I have a reporting plugin and trying to resolve language issues. Also a thanks, your HTML markup inside the DC attributes helped me realize I need to modify my reporting plugin.
RE: Dynamic Component (a metalic drawer)
I attached a modified copy of your skp file with an "animation" on the drawer box, which will open the drawer guide in two stages one at 132mm and the other at 300mm. The drawer box bottom uses formulas, not a perfect DC for sure, but perhaps some formula examples you were looking for?
RE: To sketchdata
I will add the "remove formulas" option to the new attribute update plugin, which will use the "display/model" units vs. the default inches. Hopefully within a week or so...Thanks...
RE: To sketchdata
Thanks for the feedback, currently working on a new attribute update plugin that uses models units. The new plugin will also try to resolve the problem with the built in "Component Options" window, which doesn't update the dynamic attribute library for LenX, LenY, LenZ changes when a component is Stretched or Push/Pulled. What do you think of a "remove formula" option? Thinking it will make the DC unique and then remove any formulas, making the attributes more open to manual changes?
RE: Export For CAM software
When I open up the "Component Options" dialog in my SketchUp I still see the Bulgarian, but when I open the "Component Attributes" I see English LenX,LenY,LenZ. So I created a report to group and sum qty on components that have the exact same attribute values and then used the "Display Label" as the column header, which is not the internal attribute name, but the name that displays on the "Component Options" dialog. I attached a sample SKP which has copies of your part with different sizes so I could test the report quantity column, also attached is a PDF and Excel file of the report. Please let me know if this helps, or if I'm way off. Thanks...
RE: Export For CAM software
I will work up a report that groups/totals like parts based on their dynamic attributes, and then the report can be exported to Excel. Since SketchUp stores the measurements in Inches, we had to add a conversion to the Model Units (mm, fraction, decimal) when displaying the data on the reports. I'm still thinking about the Language conversion issue, we need to convert the column headers and the attribute names to your local language? Do the attribute values need to be converted too? What language would you like it converted to if I can produce a sample spreadsheet?
RE: Export For CAM software
I hope I understand your reporting concerns, I think your looking for the following? What if we put the different part types on their own layers, example cut parts on a "CUT PART" layer, Hardware on "HARDWARE" layer, and if all the entities on that layer share the same attributes. Then as the report prints, the rows could be grouped together by layer and the column headers could change to match the attribute names for entities in that group? then export the report to Excel? The non-english issue is interesting, I will see if I can determine language on the client machine, and have the report translate the attribute names.