@sketch3d.de said:
...cut you off from every further improvement and problem correction.
e.g. recent OSX v10.5.6:
"Includes fixes for possible graphics distortion issues with certain ATI graphics cards."
@sketch3d.de said:
...cut you off from every further improvement and problem correction.
e.g. recent OSX v10.5.6:
"Includes fixes for possible graphics distortion issues with certain ATI graphics cards."
@bigstick said:
Regarding OpenGL, I always have the updater running and the latest versions are always installed. Actually I suspect this might be a bit stupid, because I suffer from all the glitches that each new update introduces.
...and profit from all the fixes every new update incorporates.
never changing a running system is not a bad idea but will obviously cut you off from every further improvement and problem correction.
@bigstick said:
I really do think that part of the problem is with the NVidia OpenGL implementation.
just to clarify, Apples OGL implementation for the nVidia GeForce home user series...
@hazza said:
... what is the difference between CAD programs and Modeling programs.
just pick a circle, set the segments to "3" and you will see what's the difference to a prof. 2D CAD as e.g. AC or Medusa or a 3D MCAD modeler as e.g. SolidWorks/Inventor/Pro-E/Alibre or a 3D CAID modeler as e.g. Rhino/ViaCAD/Shark etc.
SU is a mesh-based modeler creating triangulated facettes from polygons as an approximation of the "real" face, i.e. no exact, NURBS based freeform surfaces.
• 3D: no volume information
• 3D: no feature-based modeling/editing
• 3D: no exact 2D derivations of section cuts
• 2D: no high-entity support
• 2D: no configurable/comprehensive dimensions
• 2D: no surface or GD&T symbols
• 2D: no exact printing scale
etc. pp.
in short: SU is intented and surely great for creating fast and easily 3D design layouts and sketches targeted at presentation and visualization purposes.
@guzman tierno said:
I didnt know how to face this problem,
did you have tried runnung SU in Windows safe mode for disabling the SU hardware acceleration option?
pluging in a video card is not very diffcult, be grounded before doing this and install (recent) driver w/ admin rights preferred.
for pricing check e.g. Amazon, the mentioned ones should not cost more than roughly U$ 100. Don't buy ATI Radeon series... weak OGL support.
@guzman tierno said:
I hope to find a solution ...
you may alse evaluate replacing your shared low-end graphics sub system by something capable, i.e. a dedicated video card which will surely show a big boost on display output speed during screen transformations.. as well as running more stable w/ SU.
on older system with an AGP port only a nVidia GeForce 7900/7950 GS/GT is the fastest you can get.
@eeva said:
guter tipp, bei denen nachzufragen, wie die den konfigurator gemacht haben.
Google ist dein Freund (again)
@guzman tierno said:
Is there any way to set preferences from a command line ?
run XP in safe mode (= standard, lame, low-res Windows drvier), press F8 several times during boot for getting the menu concerned.
@bigstick said:
@Sketch3d.de, Imperfect OpenGl support would make sense.
you can evaluate by yourself by simply disabling the hardware acceleration (= OpenGL) in SU settings. If problems are vanished then, the OGL support of the driver is causing the probs.
You might also check if there is an anti aliasing configuration somewhere in the graphics settings of OSX. If yes, try if decreasing to 2x or 0x helps, at least for a speed improvement.
and run the Apple updater for ensuring to have the latest driver version.
@bigstick said:
... Question is, why haven't Apple or Google fixed this?
must be done by the makers of the video driver (i.e. Apple), what is not that easy (see above) and surely needs some experience in this area. Implementing workarounds in the application (as e.g. option "inverse picking driver bug") appears to me as a second good choice for fixing issues caused by the underlying operating system.
P.S.: try if deleting the SCF cookie from inside Safari does the trick.
@unknownuser said:
...only 960 mb of ram... Celeron(R) 3.20 GHz... no video card at all it shares the 960.
surely no recommendation for OGL based 3D CAx applications as e.g. SU, at least for high-poly models.
@bigstick said:
This is the highest spec graphics card
isn't that the nVidia CAD series 'Quadro FX'?
the issues you are describing are related to the the OpenGL support/performance of the video drivers of the Mac OS.
Manufacturers of video cards are developing their own, optimized video drivers for the Windows platform since decades. It's obvious that the drivers developed by the maker of the operating system only might have some flaws especially in connection with a complex 3D graphics output (backface culling, intersections, shading, perspective, plane management etc.).
@bigstick said:
Safari is/was known for a weak JavaScript support which may lead to the problems you have described, just switch to something capable instead. Sometimes old cookies might cause similar problems, delete it if existent and login again.
@reymond said:
Kennt jemand von Euch eine Software mit der man sowas machen könnte?
nicht für Umme, nicht ohne KnowHow, dafür leistungsfähig:
3D Grafikausgabe: MS DirectX
Programmiersprache: ActionScript (JavaScript), Lingo
Browser Plug-In: ShockWave Player (.DCR Format)
Standalone EXEs: yup
BS: OSX & Windows
30-Tage Demo verfügbar.
viel Erfolg,
@rogerra said:
I use Star Downloader.
try the right click stuff too, might be a problem of your d/l manager
can you download sucessfully from another site?
@rogerra said:
It still does not download on my Win2kpro computer. It says it is downloading but the end result if a 1k file. What's with that?
right click > save destination to... > Desktop
am donloading at the moment without any probs, must be you inet connection => use an inet download manager (as e.g. DownThemAll! if using FireFox) which enables you to download several chunks at the same time (= more speed) as well as recovering broken resp. aborted downloads.
good luck,
@ralph said:
Nun, bei mir ging es mit der Lizenz wie oben beschrieben einwandfrei....
interessant, in den Google Gruppen wurde/wird dies regelmässig als Problem beschrieben, vielleicht hat Google ja was daran geändert... oder die initiale Lizenz wurde seinerzeit, unter Umgehung des lokalen Wiederverkäufers, direkt bei @Last USA/EMEA gekauft.
@ralph said:
.... während ich bei SU 6 am Ende mehr als ein halbes Jahr (!) auf die - deutsche - Lizenz gewartet habe!
(... denn mein deutscher Lizenzgeber konnte mir meine deutsche Lizenz - grundsätzlich - nur mit einer deutschen Lizenz updaten....)
unverständlich, eine SketchUp 5 Lizenz kann und konnte problemlos und sofort auf SketchUp 6/7 upgegradet werden, zumindest wenn kein Plattformwechsel gewünscht wird.
deutsche Lizenzen gibt es nicht, deutsche Versionen schon. SketchUp Lizenzdaten können mit allen Sprachversionen verwendet werden, selbstverständlich nur innerhalb derselben Haupt-Version.
Lizenzgeber ist übrigens grundsätzlich der Hersteller, nicht ein Wiederverkäufer wie wir.
@ralph said:
... dem Dialog folgen und die Lizenz-Nummer für SUpro6 eingeben.
SU Ugrades sind grundsätzlich nur bei der Bezuqsquelle der Lizenz erhöltlich, d.h. Lizenzen die bei Wiederverkäufern erworben wurden lassen sich auch nur dort upgraden.
@ralph said:
Ob siese Lizenz später auch für eine deutschen Version gilt, vermag ich nicht zu beantworten.
SU Authorisierungsdaten sind generell sprachneutral und können in allen verfügbaren Sprachvarianten der zugehörigen Hauptversion verwendet werden.
@unknown target said:
use a CAD
try intuitive ViaCAD f. Win/OSX (starts from U$ 100) incl. filters for any common CAD data format as well as a SU import and AI im-/export filter.
@burkhard said:
... IPE, HBE... Trägern ...
Beams for SketchUp (und viele andere nette Dinge)
for modeling organic freeform shapes get hold of a feature-based NURBS modeler as e.g. ViaCAD Pro f. Win/OSX which does support advanced surface modeling, at least if you wanna export as IGES/STEP/SAT into e.g. CAM systems for production:
2D / 3D CAD and Drafting Software, CAD Software for Mac and Windows, CAD Programs, Drawing Software, Architecture Design Software
SU import avail.
a Dell Precision M series notebook w/ fastest dual core CPU, 4GB RAM, a 'Quadro FX' GPU and Vista w/ XP downgrade is currently the best system for running SU (and AC too), at least if you wanna have a mature OpenGL support of the video sub system.
@hazza said:
Did that, and got a Bugsplat, both with and without the "Use fast feedback".
not "fast feedback" but the mentioned "hardware acceleration" (one above).