Wow! okay. This is totally awesome. This is quite a few levels above what I am capable of writing. This may take me like a week just to figure out. Sdmitch, you have saved me hundreds of hours of treachery. I want to buy you a beer, but I think you deserve a whole keg. This is way better then what I was plugging away at. Tig had got me thinking in the right direction about what I was trying for better ideas, and I had a feeling bounds was the answer to locating the foobar. I changed line 65 to some regex (=~/^[Ff]oo/) I learned from Tig back in the day to solve for a couple foos that were made unique and I left out the selection bits. This should be the example to anyone trying to get components out of their parents and gathered into their own.
I want to thank the community here for being so awesome and living up to the name Sketchucation. I have learned so much from guys like Dan Rathbun, Thom Thom, TIG, sdmitch and too many others to list.
Thanks & Cheers!