Actualy, the problem is not vray. The vrmesh works like a charm;)The hiccup about the whole thing is when you have found that big beautiful polygon oak tree, car etc. and you can´t even import it into sketchup and make it a proxy because of sketchups 32bit limit. That's how I understand it anyway;)

RE: All psyched up about proxies...but!
RE: All psyched up about proxies...but!
Found the ply2vrmesh utility but nothing really happens when trying to activate it? What is supposed to happen? -
All psyched up about proxies...but!
With proxies now a reality within sketchup I was all psyched up about the endless posibilities regarding "decent" 3D trees and cars in my vray renders (because let's face it, 98% of the rubbish you find in google warehouse is... well rubbish;) So with great expectation I got hold of the simlab fbx importer, got some 3D trees in fbx format with textures and all and started to import away... until I hit the sketchup 32 bit wall (so I was told)
The importer suddenly just stopped when I was trying to import files over 100mb. Everything under worked just fine, but when the majority of the files were well over 200mb I started to get a little disapointed. Can this really be true or am I missing something?Anyway, if this is the case, then I can't wait for a sketchup2013 64 bit (if we are to believe what they said at the sketchup basecamp;)
Better sooner than later thank you:)
RE: Beware of windows 8
Hi again
First of all... About the iMac vs Windows-thing:)
You don't get a much better picture than on an 27 inch iMac;)
The downside to that is that I bought my licensed Sketchup and vray back when I only had a PC, but with bootcamp and windows 7 on the mac, everything was working just fine.I found the problem. It is the video card (AMD Radeon HD 6900m) that's causing trouble (or at least I think it is) anyway, I can't turn on the "use hardware acceleration" button. I have tried updating the graphics card but nothing happens... unfortunately:(
Beware of windows 8
I've just installed windows 8 on my cpu and to my great disappointment, sketchup was suddenly working very slow compared to windows 7
Has anyone got the same problem? or know what to do?
imac Windows 8 Intel Core i7-2600 CPU 3.40GHz 12GB RAM