Wow, it didn't occur to me that this was native SketchUp until I downloaded your *.skp. Now I see. This is really impressive and shows me how much there is to learn in SU.
RE: Google tracks Santa
My seven-year-old was following Santa this evening, it was all we could do to keep her from going to bed at 7:00 because she was afraid Santa would get here while she was still awake and she wouldn't get any presents.
I've been doing a "really bad" job of keeping secrets this year. I hope she figures it out so I don't have to maintain the lie. She figured out the tooth fairy, but she didn't make the leap to Santa.
Hope this doesn't confuse anyone. Yes, I know Santa is real
RE: Before and afters
The beauty of SU. It's like I can see it instead of just look at some plans
RE: Circle Tool ... specify diameter
I see that as a need too. I think even metric users would have the same problem. If I want a circle with a diameter of 4.5mm, entering 4.5/2 gives me a diameter of 9.
You are right that there isn't a good way to enter a circle with a diameter of 6 5/16". Usually, in my head I can convert it to a simple fraction of (6*16)+5/16 = 101/16 for the diameter then double the bottom number to get the radius = 101/32.
Actually if it's gotta be right and I have to do (6*16)+5 in my head, I pull up the calculator real quick to make sure I'm not screwing something up. Some combination of poor math skills and poor self confidence I guess. Regardless it's one way of accomplishing your goal.
Being able to enter mathematical equations in the VCB would be a better solution and I hope that makes it to future versions.
RE: Fire Fighter Training Facility (Very Detailed)
Very nice. I can already see guys in full turnout gear and hoses on their shoulders huffing and puffing up those steps.
RE: Cam Clamp Cam Clamp Cam Clamp
@sawduster said:
Right now I'm making some French Style marking gauges that use a sliding captured wedge to lock the arm in place rather that some sort of screw etc.
Here's a model I did almost a year ago, but which I've never built.
It's fun to go back to old models and re-do them based on your new knowledge. I got this one down from 220k to 57k and it only took me about half an hour where I probably spent a couple of days on the original.Here's the skippy:Marking Guage.skp
RE: Vintage cooler
Coke always tasted better out of those thick glass bottles. How about modeling one of those.
RE: Old Style Church Roof...
That is really nice Gary. I like the first one best in part because the "wood" texture doesn't quite work in the 2nd two, but mostly because I love the way the shadows play through the trusses. Sometimes an incomplete building has even more beauty than a finished one.
Also, it's great to use SU to duplicate designs. That way I find I really understand them.
RE: My First Robot - GOSH, I Love This Stuff!!!
I heard that it was going to be an attractive women replacing Bryce. I really like women better than robots.
Regardless, Brad - that looks like lots of fun. A great combination of machine and anthropomorphic shapes.
RE: Fun little game: Part Deux, continued...
Kevin the Office tea Boy (whatever that is - and he's a teacher of tea). In fact, I am only qualified to serve you the very best in fine teas from the world over in the finest silver tea service. The doctor opens his lab coat and pulls out a silver . . .
RE: A Fun Little Game, Continued...
Granted, but you can't have any soap. Your friends pretend not to be offended for a short time, but soon no one can stand to be near you.
I wish people would be rational when they argue.
RE: Another display unit
Very nice. If I had a Lucio Bubbaco, I'd want one of those to put it in.
RE: CatchUp - Model of industrial machinery
Solo, that completely blows me away. Thanks for running that.I guess I'm going to have to spend some more time learning to render. Thanks for putting the label on, that really helps. The buffing wheel is incredible. You hit it just right, completely non-reflective, folded like that, etc. Did you draw that up yourself - how did you do that?
Thanks again.
RE: CatchUp - Model of industrial machinery
I almost always do a simplified version of a model. That model can be used as an efficient placeholder which maintains the critical dimensions, but is not as detailed.
CatchUp - Model of industrial machinery
This is a G1015 Knife Belt Sander by Grizzly Industrial. I originally planned on making a simple model to use in shop planning, but I was having so much fun I couldn't stop. (It's a sickness - I know.)
I worked very hard at keeping the file size down. Almost all of the cylindrical objects are components made from the same set of four quarter cylinder components.
The buffing wheel was especially difficult. It is supposed to be folded muslin. It ended up with white sides and a chain link fence texture on the outside. It kind of looks right, but I'm very open to suggestions.
RE: CatchUp - FLW Clock
Very nice. I spent some time working on one of his lamps. Now that I've learned about rendering program, I may try it again.
RE: MS Intellimouse
I think that mouse badly wants to run for the horizon.