Hi all,
Anyone else have their custom scales disappear after closing?
Used Layout for a week and no problems but booted it up today and they are all gone... Strange.
Hi all,
Anyone else have their custom scales disappear after closing?
Used Layout for a week and no problems but booted it up today and they are all gone... Strange.
Hi all.
Is there a way to have a cover page that doesn't include the locked layer info? Like i have dates and lines that are shown on all pages, but i would like my cover to be clean and basic. Similar to the make unique command in sketchup?
I hope that makes sense.
Thanks in advance
@dave r said:
I'm not understanding what LayOut has to do with the PDF of the salmon farm but if you want to use small text in your own LayOut projects, you certainly can. Although the font size list only goes down to 8 point, there's nothing to stop you from typing a smaller value. I have one template set up to do dimensions and leader text at 6 point. It works just fine. I wouldn't use a font that small on a page that will print larger than 8-1/2 x 11, though.
I use layout for all my work drawings and then export to PDF. I wanted them to be more like the one the engineer sent me so i didn't have 15+ pages.
Thanks for the info ill try a few things and see what works
Sorry if that didn't make sense.
I was sent drawing from an engineer that was a pdf. I opened it up and it had an entire salmon farm on it, when i zoomed into each part there was tiny writing that i could read which told me all the info about that specific part.
So the text and the arrows are invisible until i zoom.
Layout seems to only be able to use #8 font as the smallest, and the arrows to .25
I could always just use a larger template i guess..
Just thought there might be an option for this.
Hi all,
I have a fairly large model that has a lot of different parts to it. My plan is to use layout to have it on a single page, then be able to zoom into each individual part to get info on it once its exported to pdf. I think other drawing programs are able to do this.
Is there a way to do this in layout 2015/2016? or something similar?
Any help would be appreciated.
Got this figured out by a user on reddit, download x-mouse and remap the buttons. if you need help let me know.
I was about to post the same question..
Ive read that you can change it in the setup of your mouse but not in SketchUp itself.
i don't have a mouse with specialty drivers so its just basic options for me, maybe your gaming mouse might have more luck.
Does no one have an answer for this?