does anyone know of any sites where i can get a different plants for sketch up from? ive looked in the warehouse and there isnt much that is useful to me! would like a variety of plants and bushes can be 2D or 3D aslong as they would look good in renders thanks to anyone that can help.
Plants for models
RE: Improvement suggestions
been working on adding shadows for over a week now and not having any luck! ive followed a number of tutorials and get the same result everytime! its either really really bright or the shadows just dont show up. i havent been using vray that long i know nothing apart from the very basics, really need some proper help with it!!!
RE: Sun Light Problems
all i want realy is a nice simple shadow affect! to give the drawings a bit more life.
RE: Sun Light Problems
still having problems! the light is too bright whatever i do. ive set it to default and its still just as bright as before. its like the sun is right ontop of the drawing, the shadows dont even show up that are there before i render it. theres no videos on youtube for the most recent vray for lighting only indoor.
Sun Light Problems
ive tired following youtube videos, dont have a clue what ive done wrong, i only know the basics of Vray so any help would be good, thanks
the sky is way to dark and the light is really bright
Improvement suggestions
Any ideas on how I can improve this? still doesn't look quite real enough, i know its not far off.
Any help would be good
Rendering help with colour change!
Can't figure out why the colour of the conservatory has this yellow tint added to it and is alot darker than the material ive used on the actual drawing, all the other materials are fine! the mateiral should match the ligher colour on the roof of the conservatory. any help would be great thanks