PS i did a quick check with Blender. These cubes dont have a proper UV map. The texture is super wide as well.
here's is that same scene and model, now it imports just fine
PS i did a quick check with Blender. These cubes dont have a proper UV map. The texture is super wide as well.
here's is that same scene and model, now it imports just fine
@pilou said:
I export my objects in OBJ format from MagicaVoxel a terrific Voxel prog! (free)
Reload works fine in Wings 3D (free)
No color inside SU or special result!
Glitch ? ...
Its the same if export the objects from Wings 3D result![attachment=1:2i3yc27k]<!-- ia1 -->glitch_obj_import.jpg<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:2i3yc27k]
or that!
[attachment=0:2i3yc27k]<!-- ia0 -->glitch.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2i3yc27k]
I dont think mesh color is supported, only textures. Try using the scale or import option and use bigger scale. That sometimes seems to fix the uvs. You can also try the OBJ import with quad tools
I was always trying to do this as well. Not sure you still need it. Couple months i got it to work. If you have the unix version you open Terminal and drop that file in there. Best thing to do is to make a folder on you desktop. It doesnt like space in file names therefor its best to do it there.
Then drop you xml model file also on there, now you see 2 file paths next to each other. Then simply hit enter/return, you could get a warning if you dont have proper java lib installed, click more info and download the java for OSX.
Then try again. The OBJ will be put in the folder where you dropped the xml model file from. It doesnt get a MLT file, so you would need to recreate the material though
Okay, thanks for answering. I found it weird that the same models now seems to have flipped quades (normals inside-out). I tried the OBJ importer from quad tools, never new this had one as well. Seems much faster and imported perfect. Just like OBJ importer did on my other machine with the exact same model. So i really dont understand why on this machine with the same plugin it acts different.
I got one more question about this version. On one of my mac it was working fine, sadly that one broke down. Now im back to my old macbook mid 2010. When i try the latest version the same model i tried earlier shows the quads half flipped faces. I had an altered version on the other mac, mac didnt seem to have an proper backup of that one.
When i check the main plugin info, it says there was an update "feature proof";
2.2 20131228 Future proofed.
Yet in the addon when added it doesnt state that. There its says this as last update;
2.1 20131118 Import of OBJ files using a -ve counter for f vertices within
sub-groups fixed. View now refreshes with each group completion.
Not sure whats happening, but removed all other. put them back restart and now it seems to work again... weird stuff
Im baffled, i worked for a while and stopped again. I didnt put all my other ql plugins back and so i did. Then nothing happened again.
Now ive taken all out accept qlsketchup and still nothing is created??
Also thumb generator was working and that as well stopped now. I think ill do a restart orso.
Heavy models do take super long to save, is that due to jpg creation?
I got it working by changing the plist file
I went on for hours checking and googling stuff. drove me nuts. I even installed Xcode but got to the point where you need to add code which does all the work and look at the folders and files. I didnt know what todo there.
So i went on again looking in other files. Then i noticed that when i changed com.skethup to com.sketchup.skp it does work again.
This is the altered Plist i got.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Copyright ยฉ 2012 Stephen Baumgartner. All rights reserved.</string>
<string>SketchUp File</string>
So su18 supports finally thumb previews? thats about time
Does it also preview material icons now in material editor? I use thea and has own material library, yet it doesnt take the icon out of the material but shows a texture only
I did some more digging and found a method how you can see what quicklook can see or what is using it for that
Last login: Wed Dec 13 17:50:45 on ttys000
MBP-Schroef:~ Admin$ qlmanage -m | grep epub
org.idpf.epub-folder -> /System/Library/QuickLook/iBooks.qlgenerator (1)
org.idpf.epub-container -> /System/Library/QuickLook/iBooks.qlgenerator (1)
MBP-Schroef:~ Admin$ qlmanage -m | grep skp
MBP-Schroef:~ Admin$ qlmanage -m | grep previewp
MBP-Schroef:~ Admin$ qlmanage -m | grep iwork -> /Library/QuickLook/iWork.qlgenerator (146) -> /Library/QuickLook/iWork.qlgenerator (146) -> /Library/QuickLook/iWork.qlgenerator (146) -> /Library/QuickLook/iWork.qlgenerator (146) -> /Library/QuickLook/iWork.qlgenerator (146) -> /Library/QuickLook/iWork.qlgenerator (146) -> /Library/QuickLook/iWork.qlgenerator (146) -> /Library/QuickLook/iWork.qlgenerator (146) -> /Library/QuickLook/iWork.qlgenerator (146) -> /Library/QuickLook/iWork.qlgenerator (146) -> /Library/QuickLook/iWork.qlgenerator (146) -> /Library/QuickLook/iWork.qlgenerator (146) -> /Library/QuickLook/iWork.qlgenerator (146) -> /Library/QuickLook/iWork.qlgenerator (146) -> /Library/QuickLook/iWork.qlgenerator (146)
MBP-Schroef:~ Admin$ qlmanage -m | grep skb
MBP-Schroef:~ Admin$ qlmanage -m | grep .skp
MBP-Schroef:~ Admin$
skp isnt linked to anything as it seems. Could you have a look at i again perhaps
I was looking into this little plugin again. I the quicklook.generator does give a error if i drop direct in the terminal, is that normal. The thumbnails are working but i dont preview them on the files no more. It did work for a small period of time though.
this is the code i got in terminal
-bash: /Library/QuickLook/SketchUp-Preview.qlgenerator/Contents/MacOS/SketchUp-Preview: Operation not permitted
using osx 10.11.6
How are you getting icon previews of the models. I have this script but seems only to save a image side of it. It doesnt add it to the preview icon
Does anyone have the quicklook function working on OSX under El Capitan?
On mavericks it worked but with El Capitan the thumbnails arent set to the file
It just to work a while back but now im just seeing the icons aside of the SketchUp file. he files them self show the regular su icon. Not sure why it stopped working
@slbaumgartner said:
@driven said:
@geomp said:
What's the best solution for Mac?
check out Jeff's earlier post, is still the best solution I'm aware of...
As a new Mac convert, I was frustrated by the lack of QuickLook thumbnails for SketchUp files, and worse, on my Mac QuickLook tried to treat the file as text, taking a long time and then displaying a huge amount of useless hexadecimal data. So I decided to see if there was a simple solution. Here's what I came up with.
First of all, although SketchUp saves a PNG format thumbnail inside each file (containing the last view you had open), and has Ruby API calls to generate thumbnails, these images are only 128 pixels wide. For a model of even modest complexity, this makes the image so distorted and blurry that it is useless. So, the first requirement was to create a better image for the file. To do this, I wrote the little Ruby plugin attached. It creates an observer that causes SketchUp to save a jpeg image of the current view each time you save a file. I set the image to 800x600 at a moderate level of compression to make it big and clear enough to see but not gigantic in size. You can easily edit the Ruby if you want a different size. The image has the same base name as the SketchUp file but with extension ".pv.jpg". There is a delay to export the image as you save a file; depending on the complexity of the model you might or might not notice.
Second, I wrote a little QuickLook generator, also attached, that looks for the image to go with a SketchUp file and tells the system to use it as a thumbnail. SketchUp does not (at this time) register its own UTI for its files, so OS X creates a dynamic UTI for them. I put the dynamic UTIs for skp and skb files in the info.plist for this generator. I am led to believe that these should be the same on all Macs, so hopefully they will work for everyone. With this generator, the thumbnail image is displayed for any file that has one and the SketchUp icon for files that do not.
To implement my system, copy the Ruby plugin into your plugins directory (~/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins) and copy the QuickLook generator into ~/Library/QuickLook. Note: by default the Finder hides your Library folder, but you can get there using the Go->Go To Folder menu in Finder. Also, you may need to restart the QuickLook system by rebooting or, if you are bolder, running qlmanage -r in a terminal window.
Despite the name of the generator, it actually creates a thumbnail, not a preview. After working on this it struck me that given a well-detailed thumbnail, there was really no need for a preview. If you want to go beyond the thumbnail, you can just open the file in SketchUp.
As I mentioned, I am new to Mac, so I don't know all the ins and outs of making this portable. I compiled the generator on a MacBook Pro under Mountain Lion, and I am not sure whether it will work on a non-Intel Mac or on an older version of the OS, as I have access to neither. If it won't run on your system, PM me and I'll be happy to send you the source code.
Thanks a lot! it works already, as i now see thumbnails in the system. Im not sure what the quicklooks does, cause it already worked without a restart. Im using 10.11.6
@driven said:
I have made a plugin that adds an icon when you click a button in the 'File' menu.
it adds icons to your .skp files...
it's nearly ready for release, I think.
I decided to keep it clean and simple.
It doesn't modify the 'drawing' at all, has no 'frame' and is very wysisyg...
if you don't like the result, re-frame and re-run, when you're happy, that's it, I'm happy...
no need to save the model for the icon to stick...
dense drawings take longer and you may have to wait 20-30secs for some...
I have no idea if it would work in v6, but most likely will.
Interested in testing it out?
Did this project see the day light?
check thea forum, there are links there.;t=19634%26amp;hilit=Dichroic+glass#p146441
Rreally a rough su model + thea + skatter
I think he wasnt a preview of the tiling of the texture, just like native tool
I do have some hard times when i want to work with the gizmo, but i think i should check some tuts about this again.
Yes the main issue is selecting materials. Using the tab to switch is sort of annoying cause it jumps through the list without a normal pattern. Not sure why the API is that different then from Windows machines.
Probably need to wait till they fix it.