Thank you Thom for your prompt and valuable response. You are a true authority to me. I have no patience to bite deeper into sketchup structure, that's from what my question.
RE: Problem with hi-res texture maps
Problem with hi-res texture maps
Is it possible to separate the texture maps used by Sketchup to display on the screen that do not require high resolution from the textures used by the V-ray?
V-Ray takes texture maps: difuse, transparency, bump and specular from the specified path on hard drive.
If You change the path to high-resolution difuse map in V-ray material editor then Sketchup automatically retrieves a map with the same path that is not needed for display on the screen and unnecessarily creats a monstrous skp file.
Is it possible to create a script to break this automatic dependency SU and V-ray paths? Sketchup saves miniature with UV coordintes and V-ray takes maps from HD and UV from SU. -
RE: SU upgrade to 8.0.4811 (Maintenance 1)
Another suggestion is to integrate Sketchup with a realtime rendering application eg. Lumion, Twinmotion or another. I know that in nearest future all architectural applications will be oblige to use this technology (directry from games). First one who will do that, will be world's leader and I believe that this will be Google Sketchup (my favorite tool in everyday work). I will be first customer.
Just today Lumion gets models straight from 3d Warehouse. Integration should be easier then with V-ray. -
RE: [plugin] realSection v0.6 Béta (Updated 9/8/2014)
@troyhome said:
I can't use the plugin...this is all i get. I'm on a Mac and use SU8
I have the same problem on PC.
What should we do to run this great plugin? -
RE: [Plugin] UVprojection
Now, when maps are fixed on a human model, the next step should be rigging and weightmappng to make modifications easier.
RE: [Plugin] UVprojection
Thank You Thomas & Csaba, I had check out one more time and now I know that the mesh had to be selected before chosing both commands: Remember & Restore.
This is wonderful plugin - Thomas - U R Great!! -
RE: SU upgrade to 8.0.4811 (Maintenance 1)
Let me explain my earlier suggestion on this examples:
I decided to make a real image showing interior of this building. This is snapshot from SU8:
My idea was not to use electric lamps, only natural sketchup default sun light and additional enviroment light together with sun.
Here are my trials:at the end is snap from HDRI panorama.
There are many settings in V-ray and I tried all uf them, but the most important is to make ideal accordance of sun position and panorama.And another examples:
and panorama:
Every reflections are natural from sun and environment.
That's what for I want to have a real background in sketchup scene.
RE: SU upgrade to 8.0.4811 (Maintenance 1)
I checked out V-ray for SU8. There is possibility to use HDRI 360 panoramas as a background and source of natural light in scene, but this is very difficult to positionning this panoramas in accordance to real sun position.My proposition is to enlarge options in styles settings and let set 360 HDRI or raster panorama as a background instead of color sky and ground.
RE: [Plugin] UVprojection
Thank You thomthom for your quick reply to my problem. I had checked this new UV toolkit, but I'm affraid that it works only with projected textures. I think rather about textures wrapped around irregular shapes (not projected) for example human models.
I know that this is difficult, but another 3d applications like Lightwave, Maya, MAX, Polygon Cruntcher etc. make this, so I believe that it's possible in Sketchup.
(sorry for my bad English) -
RE: [Plugin] UVprojection
Sketchup is the perfect tool for modeling, I use it all the time in my work, but here is one main disadvantage that I can't fix UV textured meshes on vertex of triangle faces. Projected textures let me to modify shapes but UV-textures are spreading during modification.
I have a question to all Ruby writers. Is this possible to make a plugin which make textures fix on vertex?
Thank You for all your great work. With Your help, Sketchup becomes the best professional tool for architectural modeling.