Hi all. Doing my first complete sketchup project at the minute, so thought I'd chip in with my 2 cents on the discussion.
For me, the presentation drawing needs to be linked to the main model, otherwise it's a fairly pointless exercise. You might as well draw in CAD. Similar to Nick above, I'm using the model for plans, sections, elevations etc. all the large scale stuff. I'm then doing a library of details in sketchup (like I have in CAD that I've been working with for years), which I then add to the tender/construction documents package.
I've decided to make a jump (not the jump just yet) to sketchup because I know it gives the client a better understanding of the proposal, and to try and save time over a traditional 2D submission. The clients were impressed with the info the 3d model gave them (much more than the 2d CAD plans I had shown them); but the model has taken longer than 2d drawings (taking in to account the learning curve with LO).
However, I am only at planning application stage, but I already have about 80% of the tender info already contained in the model. So, over the full duration of a project it should work out quicker, with the client being happier and the contractor having a better understanding of the project. so we'll see how it goes.
The only thing I am not 100% on is the time needed to make changes once the model is fairly well advanced. eg. if the client wants to move a wall, the wall needs moving, as does the flooring, ceiling finish, structural elements etc. I think CAD handles something like that a lot quicker, so I'd appreciate any suggestions on that front.