What do you think?
I just got a flyer through the post today, alerting me to this: http://configure.euro.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?b=&c=uk&cs=ukbsdt1&kc=D4X40001&l=en&m_30=143659&oc=D034014&rbc=D034014&s=bsd
Looks like an absolute bargain. I was thinking of going for it, but with upgraded graphics, obviously.
So what do you think? a goer?
Not as configured with the Intel graphics, choose one of the nVidia cards instead.
Seems like a good deal for this point in time, however you must understand that this is a way to move dual core rigs as quads are the new standard.
I agree on the GPU option.
Unfortunately i 'm currently quite strapped for cash, otherwaise id probably go for a quad core, but this seems like a very good deal for what you get.
Well ive ordered it...didnt go for an upgraded graphics card because im going to be able to get one form an old computer. Upgraded the processor instead, came to Β£400 in total. Wish me luck!
Shiny new machine has arrived
all ive got to do now is set it up...bloody quick so far though, i havent beena ble to slow it down so far, sually a good sign