So you want to toggle a thruster? If you are using Wac's script, remember that the output is getVar('toggle'). I would suggest putting this in the thruster script field: getVar('toggle')*value.
RE: Toggling Thrusters?
RE: WIP: Scripted aircraft
Nice! The only real thing that I have a reason to complain for is the non-conventional pitch control: The control you are using should be reversed, so moving the stick up forces the plane down. Plus, you have completely melted my brain with your scripting. Interpretation isn't too easy.
RE: Geometrical Feature Help
I think I have a solution, but I need a rear, front, side and top view blueprint. I can't find any. Does anyone know of any?
RE: Geometrical Feature Help
I'm sorry, I may not have worded that right. Imagine I dont know for sure what shape the rear of the plane is. I am wondering of there are any successful methods that represent that shape correctly.
Geometrical Feature Help
When it comes to aircraft modeling, the push/pull and scale method works well, but not perfectly.
It cannot define geometrical features perfectly. For example: A real airplane has a front face that is a circle.
the rear end face of the fuselage is square. If the push/pull and scale method is used to model it, the rear end will end
up as a scaled circle. Are there any methods that can perfectly represent the real aircraft's geometry? Plans of aircraft don't usually detail panel lines so car-meshing techniques are obsolete. -
RE: SketchyPhysics 3x June 27 version.
Never really got back to this one: Are we going to be able to set an object's scripting from an external source code?(ie setting an emitted object to explode on impact.)
RE: I can't get rid of old SP
Umm, apparently(from my experience) SP3 and later requires the earl version of SP
Search Plugin Development Help
I got around to devising a search plugin that searches queries on popular sites, such as the Warehouse and It should hopefully have two input boxes; one with a list of sites to search, and one with the query. Right now I am trying to find ways of adding little appealing doo-dads to it. If you have any site suggestions for the plugin, please tell.
RE: Script Problem - HTML
Thank you. Now here we go again...
I've noticed some HTML-based input boxes. I know how to create them, but I don't know how to associate the text in the box with a ruby variable. How would I do this?
RE: Particle FX preview
could you possible have a direction for smoke and such? Like this createParticle([0,0,0],[10,10,10])
RE: Script Problem - HTML
Other things don't work either . I can't figure out what my error is...
Script Problem - HTML
dlg = UI;;"Unit Inspector", true, "ShowUI", 739, 641, 150, 150, true) dlg.set_html ('<b>What?</b>')
I can't get the HTML to work correctly. Ive tried it without the quotations, but I get this error: 'Unterminated strings meets end of file'
i'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. -
RE: Particle FX preview
Wacov, I'm not sure you have already devised this but I want to make sure. Can you code it to have the effects originate at a determined Point3D? Or code it so you can do something like this: SetEffect('smoke',[0,0,0])?
RE: Particle FX preview
Can't post my fps! All I get is a constantly-generating "Webdialog is still dirty!"...