Hello All:
Is there a way to create scenes/animation whereby the relationship of the various components (positions, angles, variations) can be altered in each progressive 'scene' or INSTANCE, without that affecting or changing the previous scenes? In a graphics program one would use 'layers' to achieve this. However, layers in SU is an entirely different animal.
In other words, I have a constellation of object groupings/components. I need to add, subtract, change angles, scale, or reposition SOME of the components in some scenes, but not others. The camera position must remain exactly the same in each instance. The goal is to export a 2D graphic of each scene to create an animation/slideshow using film editing software.
The problem I'm having is that when I copy/paste/duplicate a particular grouping or component, that change takes effect in the previous scenes thereby completely screwing up the sequence.
The attached pics are a simplified example of what I'm trying to achieve. I was able to change the positions of the brackets by copying and pasting them, and then 'hiding' the extra copies produced in the previous scenes. However, were I want to rotate one of the brackets in scene 6 for example, the rotation happens globally, and there's no way to hide that.