@gaieus said:
There's a sticky topic in the SketchUp Discussions forum about Lion:
Thanx a lot Gaieus, it really help a lot
@gaieus said:
There's a sticky topic in the SketchUp Discussions forum about Lion:
Thanx a lot Gaieus, it really help a lot
i wanna say thank you so much for giving me the opinion for me to buy to buy new laptop.
finally i bought Macbook pro 15" thank you so much.
if i wanna ask about the compatibility of Sketchup 8 with osx lion is it in this theard also?
thanx again,
GBU everyone
@tfdesign said:
Don't forget, that if you know someone who works at a university, they can get a Mac ever cheaper- usually with all the VAT knocked off, and a load of Applecare thrown in for free.
Thanx for the great advice Tom,
but i wonder how they will process it here in Indonesia. refurbished Mac also quite hard to get in here. anyway will try it Tom.
best regards
I really would like to thank you very much for the respond.
@Tom, @Gaieus, @Dale, @ Gilles and @ Rich O' Brien your advice are clearly now to me. i will buy a Macbook pro 13" i7. cant afford the 15" the price its touching the $1800.
i dont know if there's refurbished Mac in Indonesia or how they will make it happend.
thank you so much guys.. will be updating soon after i buy the laptop. thank you so much. really helpfull.
GBU everyone
Hi Tom,
thanx for the respond. i think the MBP 15 " much more expensive then the 13" MBA. yes i do rendering also. im using supodium for sketchup.
the application i will using will be :
im trying to learn the above application.in the internet they say MBA is as fast as MBP. but since they never mention it about how well it will run if running 3D application or rendering program.
my budget is no more then $ 1500. very tight i know.
so the MBA13" is the same performance with MBP 13" ?
can you share more if using MBA 13" for rendering?
thanx again for the respond
really helpfull
Hi everyone..
i would like to asking for advice about which Mac series i should buy. is Macbook air 13" good enough for SU & render? or i should turn to Macbook pro 13''/15" ?
first i love imac, but since i quite mobile enough i think i need to buy a laptop. while having Macbook air is light as it could. but im affraid the prformance is not good compare to macbook pro.
please guys, help me with this. since i dont have much cash/ tight budget i cant buy two computer.
i really need your advice.
very nice image there..the water colours looks blended with the image.warm for my eyes.
if could you post the skp image Allanx?
@jetlounge said:
Gatehouse Design
really this scene.. it's more 'original' or more simple to my eyes.( i think im not get used to see very beautiful render.hehehe.
thanx for the posting. very great concept and idea. i learn so much.
Hi everyone,
could it be possible to import new texture per folder in Mac?
it's kinda waste time to import it one by one and beside my Mac keep getting slower and slower when doing that
( i dont know the problem)
i try to use the ruby script massmaterialimporter.rb and put it in library>app support>SU8>SU>Plugins
but only the folder name that shown in paint bucket tools. not the file.
please tell me what it suppose to do
thanx everyone..