@dan rathbun said:
Does your boss ever use the
[image: file.php?id=87554]
Model Info > Statistics panel ??
[attachment=1:1ebrpxvl]<!-- ia1 -->ModelInfo_Statistics.png<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:1ebrpxvl]
Yes he knows this tool, but it don't give you the texture (in mĀ²) and of the components neither groups
thanks to all everybody !!! I think I found the solution.
When I need to found each entities in a group I use that :
if g.is_a?(Sketchup;;Group)
g.entities.each do |element|
if element.definition.name[0] != 0 && element.name == ""
element.name = "#{element.definition.name}"
end # end if
end #|element|
With that, I can change the name of component inside a group
The first code of TIG gave me an idea, I combine my code with a piece of code from him and it worked ! (it was only a sample of code used to test for me)
Now I have to copy that piece of code in the big one !
Before :
[image: 33890297.png]
After launching the plugin :
[image: 18942418.png]