the sketch of this model has been published on 3d warehouse by a friend of mine by using the same username [nentautako]. i decide not to share this model yet at those community beside the file size is more than 15mb. i just want to show that sketchup with its plenty of plugins will compose anything you could imagine in 3d model as a free application. i got the blueprint on the net and drained up all my imagination.
[car model] VW new Beetle 2012
RE: [Plugin][$] Tools On Surface - v2.6a - 01 Apr 24
just a month i've been playing with tools on surface by freddo. how do i erase the dots left by "arc" tools [included on tools on surface]...
see dots on hood on this model...
RE: 3ds files
@brianmccuk said:
When I import a 3ds file it comes in as various triangles? can I reduce this?
Bhave you ever heard about POLYGON CRUNCHER 10.1 ?
just download the standalone trial and modify the overlay file... you would use if forever
RE: Never upload your work to 3D warehouse!!!
@gaieus said:
By sharing a model, you acknowledge any "derivated" versions shared by anyone else in the 3DWH. Now what "derivative" is, can be, of course a matter of discussion but keep one thing in mind: Google wants these models to be accessible to the widest variety of users. They (as a corporation) do not give the slightest shit who shared the model (first). You, by sharing it, give right to others to use (and modify and re-publish etc.) your model. That's it. Read the TOS.
If you do not want these dudes to do so, you have the option to control who can downloadthe model at all...
agree with you. if you dont wanna share your model but just to notice people that you are the modeller. you could "tick" the box of "only you and contributors could download the file". i'm doing this for some particulars models that i made. strange thing is... there were several models i have intended to share but google have problems to accept model which more than 15MB. that's my only problem. beside, if you just wanna show off your model [not to share it] you'll have interesting message on your "comments" on the model. people who share should willing to accept any kind of action in regard of his/her model. i'm the first modeller who made new-honda jazz [basic model] and gratefully somebody from Phillipines improve. that's how it works on 3d WH. don't you think its akind of childish to complain like that?
My First motorbike in SU
Honda GL 200 Revolution 2007 [Indonesia production]
thanks all for welcoming me in this community, sharing the precious plugins and so on..
RE: [Plugin][$] Vertex Tools
thanks for developing the tools..
how could i install it? what the difference between rb and rbs files. the rbs's files. is it intended for SU 8?
RE: Get Link for Official Sketchup Bug Reporting
What has this got to do with the topic here?
I smell a sleeper
sorry then, i think this newby doesn't know what's he's talking about. kindly just erase my post..
RE: Get Link for Official Sketchup Bug Reporting
what's the best computer's specs for SU 7 pro? mine is core 2 duo 2.0, 2 gigs memory and 1650pro 512mb gpu. i always have to terminate the process by TASK MANAGER due to "hang" problem... especially while editing files which are more than 10mb size....
RE: A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
@roidsan said:
Even if you are unable to find MANDUN, you can do a search on "Honda" and "Motorcycle" and find several posts. I don't know if there is anything in there that will help you, you would have to explore those posts to see, but it might be useful.
There are some incredible car model building tutorials and examples that may assist you with the organic parts of a motorcycle design. Start with EliseiDesign at His work is beyond words.
Good luck,
thank for the link... what a stunning tutorials
RE: [Plugin] Skin.rb
i've been searching the appropriate skin.rb's [skin, skin22, skin26, ] for this last 3 days and just found out that the curviloft by Mr Freedo is emphasize all these thing. am i right?
is that ok that i just remove the skin*.rb in my plugins folder for letting the curvi tools runs well?
sorry this a newby non-speaking english talking...
RE: Too many plugins
as i'm also a newby in sketchup, i just patched my SU with plugin that i need to create motorcylces. but i have annoying thing to solve....
how could i reorder the plugins icon in 1 or 2 rows horizontally?
this is shown in my SU blank surface....
RE: A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
hi all... this is newby from indonesia, its been 3 years i knew this gorgeous application... i dont spend much time in sketchup cause i'm 2D designer... most of time i'm using corel and illustrator. but i kept 2 gigas of sketchup designs download from the Warehouse.....
currently i am challenge to build a 3D design of indonesian motorcyles.... it should be a honor if i could meet or introduced someone here by the name of MANDUN.... who is this great brother? i love your work of HONDA HORNET 600F...